Holistic Sound Healing with Jenny-Ann
4:00 PM16:00

Holistic Sound Healing with Jenny-Ann

Sunday 30th March 4-5.30pm @ Manor Farm, Fenny Compton

Investment £25

Join Jenny-Ann on this beautiful sound healing experience

Sound Therapy helps to harmonise your body and mind, bringing it back to a state of harmony with itself and its surroundings.
It is deeply relaxing and improves health and wellbeing, gives stress relief and enhances energy.
Lie back, close your eyes and float off as the beautiful sounds of the Himalayan and Crystal Bowls wash over you and the powerful vibrations of the Gongs put your body back into perfect harmony.

This workshop is not suitable for the following health conditions due to the powerful vibrations from the gongs: early pregnancy, severe osteoporosis, epilepsy, sound sensitive conditions (tinnitus/ menieres/some migraine), recent surgery with plates/pins, pacemakers, unstable mental health conditions (schizophrenia/bipolar).

Mats and props will be provided, but please bring an extra blanket/pillow for comfort, and your own mat if you prefer extra padding.

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7:00 PM19:00


Friday 25th April, 7.-9pm, £45

Manor Farm Studio, Fenny Compton

Turn your focus inward and away from the busy world. Dissolve stress to reprogram your energy and arrive at a place of connection and peace. A gentle Yin Yoga Journey through the Chakra System, exploring the 7 chakras, their significance, emotional expression & their power on our physical & subtle body. An expansion of consciousness and deep inner healing.

This workshop will cultivate mind, body awareness as we take residence in our own bodies, slowing down, calming our nervous systems & finding a deep stillness while consciously breathing & exploring yin postures; balancing body, mind & spirit & encouraging a deeper exploration of self. Yin Yoga is slow paced, meditative & targets the deep connective tissues/ ligaments between the muscles & the layers of fascia throughout the body, increasing circulation in the joints & improving flexibility as the poses are held for longer periods of time. As we work with these layers, we create the conditions to release deeply held tension in the body & mind, while encouraging awareness of inner silence and creating a deep sense of calm. Through yin, meditation, breath and visualisation we open the chakras, with beneficial effects on our whole being. Through deep connection to the breath, a guided relaxation, together with Yin postures whilst working with the energy body, you will have the opportunity to enter into a space of sublime relaxation and meditation.

Yin Yoga is a practice of compassionate mindfulness, self discovery, and transformation. It focuses on paying attention, letting go, and developing the witness to whatever comes up in the physical body, mental body, emotions, and breath. With this understanding, we can create harmony and balance in all areas of life. Benefits of Yin yoga:

• Targets the fascia and connective tissue in the body to stretch, release and create space

• Releases emotional patterning stuck in the body

• Increases circulation • Can improve postural and skeleton alignment

• Calms nervous system

• Reduces stress and relieves tension

• Healing • Balances our yin and yang attributes

• Opens energy (meridian) channels in the body.

This workshop will be accompanied by a healing Gong Bath with Jenny-Ann, an immersion in sacred sound that can transport you to a deeply meditative state.

Gongs promote a deep sense of well being and inner peace, with participants bathed in the sounds of the gongs often experiencing feelings of timelessness, visions or colours.The deep resonance of the gongs affects the body on a cellular level, releasing tension and stress by sonic massage.

This workshop is not suitable for the following health conditions due to the powerful vibrations from the gongs: pregnancy, severe osteoporosis, epilepsy, sound sensitive conditions (tinnitus/ menieres/some migraine), recent surgery with plates/pins, pacemakers, unstable mental health conditions (schizophrenia/bipolar).

Sanitised props will be provided for this workshop but please bring a pillow case to cover my bolsters, an extra blanket for comfort, and your own mat if you prefer.
Aromatherapy, salt lamps, eye pillows, bolsters cosy blankets set the scene for the extra long savasana with sound healing at the end of the class!

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Kirtan with Julie & Alex
7:00 PM19:00

Kirtan with Julie & Alex

Friday 2nd May 7-9pm

Investment: £30 (to include a cup of ceremonial cacao)

Kirtan is a very simple and powerful way to meditate. It is part of an ancient form of Yoga known as Bhakti - the Yoga of Devotion. The word "kirtan" or "kirtana" translates into "telling, narrating, enumerating, or describing."

Kirtan chants are usually sung in call-and-response style where the wallah (leader) sings the mantra, and the group sings it back. There may be several instruments or it could be as simple as a single harmonium or guitar. You might think of it as a sing-along, like sitting around a campfire. The songs are a beautiful tapestry of Sanskrit, English, and other languages; however, Kirtan is non-denominational, the Universal language of Spirit, the song of the Soul.

Kirtan is all about community, people coming together. Just like so many other yogic practices, kirtan allows you to release stress, tension and anxiety. The various chants and mantras sung together could be thought of as medicine for the soul. The word "mantra" is made up of two halves: "man," the root of "manas," meaning "mind" and "tra," meaning "vehicle" or "instrument," referring to a chant’s ability to transport the mind from one state to another. When chanting in a group, music’s ability to bring people together allows the energy of the whole room to be transported to another level, where all voices become One Voice.

Kirtan is for ALL people!
There are no masters of kirtan, no experts, no teachers, no advanced students, no beginners. There is no right or wrong way to sing kirtan. A voice that sings allows expression to flow and emotion to be released, which is perhaps why we need this aspect of yoga now more than ever in the modern day world.
Aesthetics don’t matter. All that matters is the spirit, the feeling. Don’t worry about what you sound like. Feel whatever you feel, have no expectations, no inhibitions. Kirtans are mostly written in Sanskrit, which is a language that may be new to you. Because kirtan singing is repetitive and the lead singer is going to be singing the same line again and again and again, you will get plenty of chances to catch up. If you don’t get it the first time, try again. Be patient with yourself and have fun!

Credit and thanks to https://www.blackcatyogajax.com/post/what-is-kirtan for the above summary on Kirtan

About Alex & Julie

Alex @basisholistics is a truly beautiful soul, who shines a light wherever he goes. Yoga teacher, breathwork facilitator, Full Power Cacao Master of Ceremonies and Kirtan leader; he has so much love for holding space, combining and sharing all of his practices to bring people together in deep conscious connection, with themselves, the divinity within and with each other.

Julie @julie_mrowicki is a dynamic and inspirational Full Power Cacao Master of Ceremonies facilitator, Kirtan Leader, and Space Holder. Her passion for building connections and fostering community shines through in the Cacao ceremonies, women's circles and Kirtans she facilitates. Her spaces are more than just gatherings; they are immersive experiences that resonate with the soul, designed to facilitate personal growth and communal harmony


I just wanted to say thank you so much for Friday night's Kirtan event.  I really really enjoyed it.  Not knowing what to expect, it was such a lovely evening and I could literally feel the tension leaving my body after each round of singing.  Alex and Julie are such lovely people with fantastic voices and their energy and gentleness was palpable.  

Coincidentally (or synchronistically) I had read the below the day before attending:

"In many shamanic societies, if you came to a medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited or depressed, they would ask one of four questions: "When did you stop dancing?  When did you stop singing?  When did you stop being enchanted by stories?  When did you stop being comforted by the sweet territory of silence?".  Gabrielle Roth.

I really felt those questions deeply and realised that I had stopped singing and dancing in my own life both physically and metaphorically a lot of years ago.  I think March 2020 lockdown was the final straw.  Kirtan encompassed all of the above and it was so good to be reminded of all of these things in such a beautiful way.  It was truly uplifting for the mind, body, heart and soul.  I'm so glad I attended and had this reminder and experience that as humans we are truly nourished by song, dance, story and silence.  

Thank you for a beautiful evening.

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Yoga, Wild Swim & Sauna
10:00 AM10:00

Yoga, Wild Swim & Sauna

Yoga, Wild swim & Sauna Priors Hardwick, Warwickshire

** Please go on wait list, also see other dates with availability


Session 1

10am Slow Flow, Breath, Nature meditation

10.45am-11.45am Swim & Sauna

Session 2

11am Slow Flow, Breath, Nature meditation

11.45-12.45am Swim & Sauna

This is a lovely chance to combine a small private yoga practice taught by myself, meditation, pranayama with a wild lake swim, followed by a Sauna,. The yoga is suitable for everyone including beginners.

If you have never tried wild diping, before then now is the time, equally if you are a frequent swimmer the beauty of the sourrounding countryside will not dissapoint. Invigorate yourself and get your body feeling alive in beautiful surroundings. (Please note these sessions are only suited to confident swimmers, no swimming instruction given)

​The event package includes the following:

40 minutes of Flow & breath work to prepare you for a cool swim (yoga mats provided).

1 hour Swim & Sauna

Snack & herbal tea

You may wish to bring the following

Towel/dry robe, Swimming hat & goggles, Blanket or cushion for the yoga.

A changing room, cold shower & eco loo have been added for this year, so no more wild wee’s.

N.B please note these sessions are for confident swimmers only. By booking you are also agreeing to the following waiver: lisavalentineyoga.co.uk/waiver-wild-swim-sauna

About the yoga & how it will help you with your cold water experience .

An important part of yoga practice is pranayama, or breath control. It’s about using the breath with intention, whether that intention is to relax, invigorate or energise. 

There’s an obvious parallel between pranayama and swimming: both require conscious breathing, whether that’s matching your breath with your yoga movement or with your swim stroke.

But pranayama can help specifically with cold-water swimming too. When you immerse yourself in cold water, your body’s natural reaction is to snatch a breath. Yoga practice helps you manage your breath, calm yourself and not panic when you get in cold water.

I will teach you how to breathe in a transformative, meditative way that takes you out of your body, out of your mind.

Devoloping a strong, regular breath is vital. We will take time to get a steady breathing rhythm before going in the water, this can be beneficial. It’s usually the transition of getting in that needs the most managing but keeping a steady breath once you’re fully in helps too, and then once you’re moving this will happen naturally in between strokes. Breathing through the nose also helps to retain a little heat.

Yoga builds core strength and stability and warms you up, creating internal warmth or, as some yogis put it, internal fire. If You’re warm, you’ve got the blood flowing around your body, everything feels alive. By warming up the core and dialing in to your internal strength can give you a sense of internal warmth you can tap into.

The mental empowerment this can give you, by using your breath, and calming your mind, you are able to engage your strength, and tune into your body. Crucially, you also feel warm and ready for the water. 

#wildswim #yogawildswim #wildswimandsauna

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Myo-Yin & Yoga Nidra
7:00 PM19:00

Myo-Yin & Yoga Nidra

  • Lisa Valentine Yoga CV47 2YY United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Friday 16th May @Manor Farm Studio, Fenny Compton 7-9pm


This workshop cultivates harmony and balance as we breathe into our yin poses, releasing and letting go of tension, increasing flexibility as our Fascia, connective tissues and bones are energised as we soften into edge. Stimulate the meridian channels, releasing blockages an encouraging energy, Chi, Prana, life force to flow through your entire being.

This workship will include myo-fascial release techniques, using cork or tennis balls to activate more Qi through the acupressure points and meridians with yin postures. We will also find somatic movement patterns to release any stagnant tension/trauma/emotions.

At the end of the session we will have a Yoga Nidra to fully connect to our Sankalpa/Intention and to create a sense of true rest and restore.

Sankalpa means an intention formed by the heart and mind -- a solemn vow, determination, or will. In practical terms a Sankalpa means a one-pointed resolve to focus both psychologically and philosophically on a specific goal. A sankalpa is a tool meant to refine the will, and to focus and harmonize mind and body

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Yoga, Wild Swim & Sauna
10:00 AM10:00

Yoga, Wild Swim & Sauna

Yoga, Wild swim & Sauna Priors Hardwick, Warwickshire


Session 1

10am Slow Flow, Breath, Nature meditation

10.45am-11.45am Swim & Sauna

Session 2

11am Slow Flow, Breath, Nature meditation

11.45-12.45am Swim & Sauna

This is a lovely chance to combine a small private yoga practice taught by myself, meditation, pranayama with a wild lake swim, followed by a Sauna,. The yoga is suitable for everyone including beginners.

If you have never tried wild diping, before then now is the time, equally if you are a frequent swimmer the beauty of the sourrounding countryside will not dissapoint. Invigorate yourself and get your body feeling alive in beautiful surroundings. (Please note these sessions are only suited to confident swimmers, no swimming instruction given)

​The event package includes the following:

40 minutes of Flow & breath work to prepare you for a cool swim (yoga mats provided).

1 hour Swim & Sauna

Snack & herbal tea

You may wish to bring the following

Towel/dry robe, Swimming hat & goggles, Blanket or cushion for the yoga

A changing room, cold shower & eco loo have been added for this year, so no more wild wee’s.

N.B please note these sessions are for confident swimmers only. By booking you are also agreeing to the following waiver: lisavalentineyoga.co.uk/waiver-wild-swim-sauna

About the yoga & how it will help you with your cold water experience .

An important part of yoga practice is pranayama, or breath control. It’s about using the breath with intention, whether that intention is to relax, invigorate or energise. 

There’s an obvious parallel between pranayama and swimming: both require conscious breathing, whether that’s matching your breath with your yoga movement or with your swim stroke.

But pranayama can help specifically with cold-water swimming too. When you immerse yourself in cold water, your body’s natural reaction is to snatch a breath. Yoga practice helps you manage your breath, calm yourself and not panic when you get in cold water.

I will teach you how to breathe in a transformative, meditative way that takes you out of your body, out of your mind.

Devoloping a strong, regular breath is vital. We will take time to get a steady breathing rhythm before going in the water, this can be beneficial. It’s usually the transition of getting in that needs the most managing but keeping a steady breath once you’re fully in helps too, and then once you’re moving this will happen naturally in between strokes. Breathing through the nose also helps to retain a little heat.

Yoga builds core strength and stability and warms you up, creating internal warmth or, as some yogis put it, internal fire. If You’re warm, you’ve got the blood flowing around your body, everything feels alive. By warming up the core and dialing in to your internal strength can give you a sense of internal warmth you can tap into.

The mental empowerment this can give you, by using your breath, and calming your mind, you are able to engage your strength, and tune into your body. Crucially, you also feel warm and ready for the water. 

#wildswim #yogawildswim #wildswimandsauna

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Holistic Sound Healing with Jenny-Ann
4:00 PM16:00

Holistic Sound Healing with Jenny-Ann

Sunday 24th Nov 4-5.30pm @ Manor Farm, Fenny Compton

Investment £25

Join Jenny-Ann on this beautiful sound healing experience

Sound Therapy helps to harmonise your body and mind, bringing it back to a state of harmony with itself and its surroundings.
It is deeply relaxing and improves health and wellbeing, gives stress relief and enhances energy.
Lie back, close your eyes and float off as the beautiful sounds of the Himalayan and Crystal Bowls wash over you and the powerful vibrations of the Gongs put your body back into perfect harmony.

This workshop is not suitable for the following health conditions due to the powerful vibrations from the gongs: early pregnancy, severe osteoporosis, epilepsy, sound sensitive conditions (tinnitus/ menieres/some migraine), recent surgery with plates/pins, pacemakers, unstable mental health conditions (schizophrenia/bipolar).

Mats and props will be provided, but please bring an extra blanket/pillow for comfort, and your own mat if you prefer extra padding.

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Kundalini Yoga workshop with Samantha
2:00 PM14:00

Kundalini Yoga workshop with Samantha

Saturday 14th June 2-4pm

Kundalini Yoga with Samantha

Exchange £35

In this workshop Samantha will guide you using movement, breath work, mantra and meditation to move and transform your energy, awakening your inner strength, calm your mind and release tension in your body.

She will also share with you a beautiful & unique moving meditation she was recently called to create.

Kundalini yoga is for everyone if you can breath and move your body you can do it the emphasis is not on perfecting the physical posture but on the experience.

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Summer Solsctice. Yoga, Wild Swim & Sauna
7:00 PM19:00

Summer Solsctice. Yoga, Wild Swim & Sauna

Yoga, Wild swim & Sauna Priors Hardwick, Warwickshire


Session 1

7pm Slow Flow, Breath, Solstice ritual.

7.45pm-8.45pm Swim & Sauna

Session 2

8pm Slow Flow, Breath, Solstice ritual

8.45pm-9.45pm Swim & Sauna

This is a lovely chance to combine a small private yoga practice taught by myself, meditation, pranayama with a wild lake swim, followed by a Sauna,. The yoga is suitable for everyone including beginners.

If you have never tried wild diping, before then now is the time, equally if you are a frequent swimmer the beauty of the sourrounding countryside will not dissapoint. Invigorate yourself and get your body feeling alive in beautiful surroundings. (Please note these sessions are only suited to confident swimmers, no swimming instruction given)

​The event package includes the following:

40 minutes of Flow & breath work to prepare you for a cool swim (yoga mats provided).

1 hour Swim & Sauna

Snack & herbal tea

You may wish to bring the following

Towel/dry robe, Swimming hat & goggles, Blanket or cushion for the yoga

N.B please note these sessions are for confident swimmers only. By booking you are also agreeing to the following waiver: lisavalentineyoga.co.uk/waiver-wild-swim-sauna

A changing room, cold shower & eco loo have been added for this year, so no more wild wee’s.

About the yoga & how it will help you with your cold water experience .

An important part of yoga practice is pranayama, or breath control. It’s about using the breath with intention, whether that intention is to relax, invigorate or energise. 

There’s an obvious parallel between pranayama and swimming: both require conscious breathing, whether that’s matching your breath with your yoga movement or with your swim stroke.

But pranayama can help specifically with cold-water swimming too. When you immerse yourself in cold water, your body’s natural reaction is to snatch a breath. Yoga practice helps you manage your breath, calm yourself and not panic when you get in cold water.

I will teach you how to breathe in a transformative, meditative way that takes you out of your body, out of your mind.

Devoloping a strong, regular breath is vital. We will take time to get a steady breathing rhythm before going in the water, this can be beneficial. It’s usually the transition of getting in that needs the most managing but keeping a steady breath once you’re fully in helps too, and then once you’re moving this will happen naturally in between strokes. Breathing through the nose also helps to retain a little heat.

Yoga builds core strength and stability and warms you up, creating internal warmth or, as some yogis put it, internal fire. If You’re warm, you’ve got the blood flowing around your body, everything feels alive. By warming up the core and dialing in to your internal strength can give you a sense of internal warmth you can tap into.

The mental empowerment this can give you, by using your breath, and calming your mind, you are able to engage your strength, and tune into your body. Crucially, you also feel warm and ready for the water. 

#wildswim #yogawildswim #wildswimandsauna

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Summer Yin, Cacao &holistic sound bath
7:00 PM19:00

Summer Yin, Cacao &holistic sound bath

Held at Manor Farm Studio, Fenny Compton, CV47

Friday 27th June 7-9.15pm

Investment: £45

The Summer has arrived and with it radiance, fire, and expression. Balance your wellbeing by turning inward with this fascial movement & Yin yoga workshop celebrating manifestation and change. Pranayama breathing excercises to restore harmony to the mind, body, and spirit — and balances the solar and lunar within us. Restore and balance our energy by encouraging us to turn inwards and towards stillness to counteract the late nights, long days, and lust for life that summer carries with it.

This work shop will start with a Ceremonial grade Cacao, revered and used for centuries as a "plant medicine" because of its heart-opening qualities and wide-ranging health benefits, Cacao added to your meditation practice is a powerful way to connect deeper with your sense of feeling, heart, and intuition.

The entire practice will be accompanied by Jenny-Ann and her holistic gongs and bowls.

Sound Therapy helps to harmonise your body and mind, bringing it back to a state of harmony with itself and its surroundings.
It is deeply relaxing and improves health and wellbeing, gives stress relief and enhances energy.
Lie back, close your eyes and float off as the beautiful sounds of the Himalayan and Crystal Bowls wash over you and the powerful vibrations of the Gongs put your body back into perfect harmony.

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Myo-Yin & Yoga Nidra
7:00 PM19:00

Myo-Yin & Yoga Nidra

  • Lisa Valentine Yoga CV47 2YY United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Friday 18th July @Manor Farm Studio, Fenny Compton 7-9pm


This workshop cultivates harmony and balance as we breathe into our yin poses, releasing and letting go of tension, increasing flexibility as our Fascia, connective tissues and bones are energised as we soften into edge. Stimulate the meridian channels, releasing blockages an encouraging energy, Chi, Prana, life force to flow through your entire being.

This workship will include myo-fascial release techniques, using cork or tennis balls to activate more Qi through the acupressure points and meridians with yin postures. We will also find somatic movement patterns to release any stagnant tension/trauma/emotions.

At the end of the session we will have a Yoga Nidra to fully connect to our Sankalpa/Intention and to create a sense of true rest and restore.

Sankalpa means an intention formed by the heart and mind -- a solemn vow, determination, or will. In practical terms a Sankalpa means a one-pointed resolve to focus both psychologically and philosophically on a specific goal. A sankalpa is a tool meant to refine the will, and to focus and harmonize mind and body

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Yoga, Wild Swim & Sauna
10:00 AM10:00

Yoga, Wild Swim & Sauna

Yoga, Wild swim & Sauna Priors Hardwick, Warwickshire


Session 1

10am Slow Flow, Breath, Nature meditation

10.45am-11.45am Swim & Sauna

Session 2 (fully booked)

11am Slow Flow, Breath, Nature meditation

11.45-12.45am Swim & Sauna

This is a lovely chance to combine a small private yoga practice taught by myself, meditation, pranayama with a wild lake swim, followed by a Sauna,. The yoga is suitable for everyone including beginners.

If you have never tried wild diping, before then now is the time, equally if you are a frequent swimmer the beauty of the sourrounding countryside will not dissapoint. Invigorate yourself and get your body feeling alive in beautiful surroundings. (Please note these sessions are only suited to confident swimmers, no swimming instruction given)

​The event package includes the following:

40 minutes of Flow & breath work to prepare you for a cool swim

1 hour Swim & Sauna

Snack & herbal tea

You may wish to bring the following

Towel/dry robe, Swimming hat & goggles, Blanket or cushion for the yoga, yoga mat to go over the top of mine.

A changing room, cold shower & eco loo have been added for this year, so no more wild wee’s.

N.B please note these sessions are for confident swimmers only. By booking you are also agreeing to the following waiver: lisavalentineyoga.co.uk/waiver-wild-swim-sauna

About the yoga & how it will help you with your cold water experience .

An important part of yoga practice is pranayama, or breath control. It’s about using the breath with intention, whether that intention is to relax, invigorate or energise. 

There’s an obvious parallel between pranayama and swimming: both require conscious breathing, whether that’s matching your breath with your yoga movement or with your swim stroke.

But pranayama can help specifically with cold-water swimming too. When you immerse yourself in cold water, your body’s natural reaction is to snatch a breath. Yoga practice helps you manage your breath, calm yourself and not panic when you get in cold water.

I will teach you how to breathe in a transformative, meditative way that takes you out of your body, out of your mind.

Devoloping a strong, regular breath is vital. We will take time to get a steady breathing rhythm before going in the water, this can be beneficial. It’s usually the transition of getting in that needs the most managing but keeping a steady breath once you’re fully in helps too, and then once you’re moving this will happen naturally in between strokes. Breathing through the nose also helps to retain a little heat.

Yoga builds core strength and stability and warms you up, creating internal warmth or, as some yogis put it, internal fire. If You’re warm, you’ve got the blood flowing around your body, everything feels alive. By warming up the core and dialing in to your internal strength can give you a sense of internal warmth you can tap into.

The mental empowerment this can give you, by using your breath, and calming your mind, you are able to engage your strength, and tune into your body. Crucially, you also feel warm and ready for the water. 

#wildswim #yogawildswim #wildswimandsauna

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Myo-Yin & Yoga Nidra
7:00 PM19:00

Myo-Yin & Yoga Nidra

  • Lisa Valentine Yoga CV47 2YY United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Friday 12th Sept @Manor Farm Studio, Fenny Compton 7-9pm


This year I am bringing a new element to my pure yin offerings. Throughout the year we will work through each energy centre through myo-fascial release techniques, using cork or tennis balls to activate more Qi through the acupressure points and meridians with yin postures. We will also find somatic movement patterns to release any stagnant tension/trauma/emotions.

This workshop cultivates harmony and balance as we breathe into our yin poses, releasing and letting go of tension, increasing flexibility as our Fascia, connective tissues and bones are energised as we soften into our edge. Stimulate the meridian channels, releasing blockages and encouraging energy, Chi, Prana, life force energy to flow through your entire being.

In this session will be looking at connecting to our heart/lungs- Anahata

In Sanskrit, “anahata” means unhurt, unstruck and unbeaten. It is the fourth primary chakra and serves as our center of love for oneself and others, compassion, empathy and forgiveness. The anahata chakra is associated with unconditional love, compassion, and joy. It is the source of deep and profound truths that cannot be expressed in words. Anahata is a bridge between the lower and upper chakras integrating the manifest with the spiritual.

At the end of the session we will have a Yoga Nidra to fully connect to our Sankalpa/Intention and to create a sense of true rest and restore.

Sankalpa means an intention formed by the heart and mind -- a solemn vow, determination, or will. In practical terms a Sankalpa means a one-pointed resolve to focus both psychologically and philosophically on a specific goal. A sankalpa is a tool meant to refine the will, and to focus and harmonize mind and body

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Nada yoga, (Cacao, Mantra & Harp)
4:00 PM16:00

Nada yoga, (Cacao, Mantra & Harp)

Sunday 12th October 4-5.30pm

Investment £40

Nada Yoga is “union through sound”. The union of body, mind and spirit.

Nada has the same place in Yoga as energy has in science. Whilst we can’t see energy, we can feel it as vibrations and all energy, all vibrations generate sound. Sound is one way for us to experience energy.

Sound energy can have a healing impact on many levels. Deep vibration can release the tension of muscles and pain, it massages the organs and rewires the brain which allows stress and anxiety to disappear.

This session will be hosted by Lisa & Noah.

The session will start with a sacrad circle and a cup of Ceremonial Cacao, a true heart opening medicine that will allow us to be full present with this unique experience. (Optional, herbal tea also available):

All you need to do is turn up, lie down and get comfortable with blankets and pillows as you relax and “bathe” in the healing vibrations of sound.

Tibetan and crystal bowls will be played along side a relaxing meditation, you will experience different vibrational frequencies washing over you. Special guest Noa Davies, Oxfordshire based Harpist will then soothe you with a heart-filled immersion of live harp music.

At the end you will have time to reflect, and return to a deep state of connection. What is revealed when you slow down the pace of life, pause, and listen?

The peaceful, healing vibrations of bowls & live harp music, pathways to awaken the intuitive nature of your heart. Restore and regenerate your whole being

Come. Slow down and take rest.
Allow space and time for healing and transformation.

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Myo-Yin & Yoga Nidra
7:00 PM19:00

Myo-Yin & Yoga Nidra

  • Lisa Valentine Yoga CV47 2YY United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Friday 14th November @Manor Farm Studio, Fenny Compton 7-9pm


This year I am bringing a new element to my pure yin offerings. Throughout the year we will work through each energy centre through myo-fascial release techniques, using cork or tennis balls to activate more Qi through the acupressure points and meridians with yin postures. We will also find somatic movement patterns to release any stagnant tension/trauma/emotions.

This workshop cultivates harmony and balance as we breathe into our yin poses, releasing and letting go of tension, increasing flexibility as our Fascia, connective tissues and bones are energised as we soften into our edge. Stimulate the meridian channels, releasing blockages and encouraging energy, Chi, Prana, life force energy to flow through your entire being.

In this session will be looking at connecting to our heart/lungs- Anahata

In Sanskrit, “anahata” means unhurt, unstruck and unbeaten. It is the fourth primary chakra and serves as our center of love for oneself and others, compassion, empathy and forgiveness. The anahata chakra is associated with unconditional love, compassion, and joy. It is the source of deep and profound truths that cannot be expressed in words. Anahata is a bridge between the lower and upper chakras integrating the manifest with the spiritual.

At the end of the session we will have a Yoga Nidra to fully connect to our Sankalpa/Intention and to create a sense of true rest and restore.

Sankalpa means an intention formed by the heart and mind -- a solemn vow, determination, or will. In practical terms a Sankalpa means a one-pointed resolve to focus both psychologically and philosophically on a specific goal. A sankalpa is a tool meant to refine the will, and to focus and harmonize mind and body

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Spring Equinox, Ritual, Yin & Nidra
7:00 PM19:00

Spring Equinox, Ritual, Yin & Nidra

Friday 21st March 7pm-9pm, £30pp, @ Manor Farm Studio, Fenny Compton

Spring is in the air, time to spring-clean not just for your homes but for your minds and bodies as well.
Spring is the perfect time of the year to clean our closets, clear out things we no longer use so we have room for new things to come.
Spring is the ideal time to renew and to cleanse our bodies. Our bodies have a natural way of getting rid of waste products, but sometimes it needs help to boost eliminating these products.
I invite you to join me for a detox pamper that can help your body cleanse itself.
This evening will help you feel more energized, lighter and healthier.

The evening will include special healing rituals to connect us to the season shift, gentle yoga movements and stretches to aid the lymphatic system & Yin yoga postures (longer held postures to ignite the chi energy through the Liver and Kidneys).., we may will also use cork/tennis balls for myofascial release on acupressure points to stimulate healthy chi/prana flow, the session will end with Spring themed guided meditation/yoga nidra.

This evening will help, especially if you’ve been feeling sluggish or are experiencing digestion problems, have a lack of stamina, poor concentration, aches and pains, or skin problems.

Are you ready to Detox & Restore?

The evening will include a cleansing herbal tea and healthy snack.

This will take place in my Fenny Compton Studio.

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Introduction to Chakra Crystals for Kids & Teens
11:00 AM11:00

Introduction to Chakra Crystals for Kids & Teens

Introduction to Chakra Crystals

11-12.15pm Age 7-11

12.45-2pm Age 12+

Join Kirstie on this wonderful workshop.

£30per child. Includes a set of crystals to take home.

Note from Kirstie: I hold an advanced DBS and am happy for parents to leave the children/teenagers with me. Generally they open up more about their concerns if parents aren’t around, although I send out questionnaires to parents beforehand so I can ensure I subtly incorporate things that are effecting their child at the time (ADHD, anger, not sleeping etc etc) Some parents of the younger children, prefer to stay and that’s fine too.

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Nada yoga, (Cacao, Mantra & Harp)
4:00 PM16:00

Nada yoga, (Cacao, Mantra & Harp)

Sunday 2nd March 4-5.30pm

Investment £40

Nada Yoga is “union through sound”. The union of body, mind and spirit.

Nada has the same place in Yoga as energy has in science. Whilst we can’t see energy, we can feel it as vibrations and all energy, all vibrations generate sound. Sound is one way for us to experience energy.

Sound energy can have a healing impact on many levels. Deep vibration can release the tension of muscles and pain, it massages the organs and rewires the brain which allows stress and anxiety to disappear.

This session will be hosted by Lisa & Noah.

The session will start with a sacrad circle and a cup of Ceremonial Cacao, a true heart opening medicine that will allow us to be full present with this unique experience. (Optional, herbal tea also available):

All you need to do is turn up, lie down and get comfortable with blankets and pillows as you relax and “bathe” in the healing vibrations of sound.

Tibetan and crystal bowls will be played along side a relaxing meditation, you will experience different vibrational frequencies washing over you. Special guest Noa Davies, Oxfordshire based Harpist will then soothe you with a heart-filled immersion of live harp music.

At the end you will have time to reflect, and return to a deep state of connection. What is revealed when you slow down the pace of life, pause, and listen?

The peaceful, healing vibrations of bowls & live harp music, pathways to awaken the intuitive nature of your heart. Restore and regenerate your whole being

Come. Slow down and take rest.
Allow space and time for healing and transformation.

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Heart Opening Yin & Sound Healing
7:00 PM19:00

Heart Opening Yin & Sound Healing

Friday 14th Feb 7-9.15pm

Join Lisa and Jenny on their bi-monthly yin & gong sessions with a yin yoga workshop focused primarily on the heart chakra and meridians. We will explore the joy and healing powers of mantra and voice, a guided meditation throughout class will focus on self-love.

There’s a reason why yoga teachers love sequencing heart-opening classes — in fact, there are plenty. To start, us modern-day Westerners spend an awful lot of time contracting the front of our bodies (think of our posture as we sit in front of a computer or in a car), and it’s rare that we balance this behaviour with opening the eastern face of the body. The result? Short and constricted front bodies, less effective breathing patterns and a temperament that is closed rather than open and receptive to the world. Yin yoga can make a huge difference.

 (TCM) and bodywork therapies all agree that the importance of the heart reaches far beyond its physical functions and plays a profound role in our energetic, emotional and spiritual lives. Yin yoga with its gentle, passive poses, is the perfect practice to encourage the liberating experience of opening the heart while also providing grounding and support.

Yin is a style of yoga where poses are held for several minutes in order to bring controlled stress within your connective tissue, which allows for deep release. No prior yoga experience is necessary! Each pose will allow you to relieve tension within your body along with a guided meditation to promote calm peacefulness within your mind.

The yin/restore yoga section with Lisa accompanied by a healing Gong Bath with Jenny-Ann, an immersion in sacred sound that can transport you to a deeply meditative state.

Gongs promote a deep sense of well being and inner peace, with participants bathed in the sounds of the gongs often experiencing feelings of timelessness, visions or colours.The deep resonance of the gongs affects the body on a cellular level, releasing tension and stress by sonic massage.

This workshop is not suitable for the following health conditions due to the powerful vibrations from the gongs: pregnancy, severe osteoporosis, epilepsy, sound sensitive conditions (tinnitus/ menieres/some migraine), recent surgery with plates/pins, pacemakers, unstable mental health conditions (schizophrenia/bipolar).

This event will also start with my signature cup of ceremonial Cacao


A little bit about Ceremonial Cacao, is much more than just chocolate. It contains health restoring, mood elevating and consciousness altering compounds such as theobromine, serotonin, calcium and magnesium as well as many others that when consumed generate a particular heart warming sensation in the body.

Its active ingredients include theobromine, which translates in Mayan culture as, 'Food of the Gods'. It has been used for thousands of years in ceremony and rituals as a way of connecting to ourselves, and opening our heart. Cacao is SELF LOVE, and self love is our greatest medicine.

It is made by fermenting the beans, slightly heating them and hand peeling them before grinding them down on a heated mill resulting in a powder that congeals to make a paste.

A ceremonial dose of Cacao is 25-40g it becomes a powerful plant medicine that calms the mind and reconnects us to feelings of love, peace and connection.  Connecting to the spirit of cacao to release blockages around the heart and heal emotional wounds.

Cacao when consumed creates a heart warming and heart opening sensation, it brings a uniquely expansive, elevated, yet peaceful mental state. She helps us consciously explore our own inner world so that we can access healing, and lasting transformation, bringing us to our true nature and giving us a sense of joy.

Important information about a Cacao and some CONTRAINDICATIONS.

1. Antidepressants:

If you're on antidepressants, avoid Cacao or start cautiously with a homeopathic dose (5g) or only a sip.

Observe your body's response before considering an increase.

2. Caffeine:

 Reduce coffee intake on Cacao consumption day to avoid potential discomfort.

Caffeine and Cacao clash may lead to issues like a rapidly beating heart and headaches.

3. Heart Conditions:

• Theobromine in Cacao significantly increases heart rate and lowers blood pressure. Unsuitable for those with serious heart conditions; seek medical advice if you are uncertain.

4. Fasting for Ceremonial Dose:

 Consume Cacao on an empty stomach. Avoid eating for at least 2 hours before the ceremony for optimal effects.

5. Stimulant Sensitivity:

 Cocao can sometimes act as a stimulant and may impact sleep (please note with the dosage I am offering this should not be the case, and you may find will allow you to sleep better due to the high content of magnesium.

6. Pregnancy Precaution:

Theobromine's stimulative effects increase heart rate and lower blood pressure.

Use a very small dose of Cacao during pregnancy, observing both your body's and the baby's reactions.    

Seek medical advice if unsure.

7. Health First:

If you ae unsure please reach with a healthcare professional before engaging in a Ceremonial Cacao.


  • Gentle but powerful

  • Won’t push you through a door rather gently leads you there if you are willing

  • Can sit with her and feel the support even when not drinking her

  • Helps you understand yourself

  • Can aid clearing emotional blocks

  • Enables the letting go of past relationships

  • Connects you with your creativity

  • Enhances focus and mental agility

  • May find you no longer crave crappy chocolate

  • Cacao can be enjoyed as an alternative to coffee or tea

Sanitised props will be provided for this workshop but please bring a pillow case to cover my bolsters, an extra blanket for comfort, and your own mat if you prefer.
Aromatherapy, salt lamps, eye pillows, bolsters and lots of blankets set the scene for the extra long savasana at the end of the class!

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Holistic Sound Healing with Jenny-Ann
4:00 PM16:00

Holistic Sound Healing with Jenny-Ann

Sunday 26th Jan 4-5.30pm @ Manor Farm, Fenny Compton

Investment £25

Join Jenny-Ann on this beautiful sound healing experience

Sound Therapy helps to harmonise your body and mind, bringing it back to a state of harmony with itself and its surroundings.
It is deeply relaxing and improves health and wellbeing, gives stress relief and enhances energy.
Lie back, close your eyes and float off as the beautiful sounds of the Himalayan and Crystal Bowls wash over you and the powerful vibrations of the Gongs put your body back into perfect harmony.

This workshop is not suitable for the following health conditions due to the powerful vibrations from the gongs: early pregnancy, severe osteoporosis, epilepsy, sound sensitive conditions (tinnitus/ menieres/some migraine), recent surgery with plates/pins, pacemakers, unstable mental health conditions (schizophrenia/bipolar).

Mats and props will be provided, but please bring an extra blanket/pillow for comfort, and your own mat if you prefer extra padding.

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Womans Circle, Cacao and new year intentions
2:00 PM14:00

Womans Circle, Cacao and new year intentions

Saturday 2-4.30pm £35

New year can bring an opportunity to go inward, slow down, and reflect. By softening into our bodies and finding inner silence we can clarify what we want to invite into our lives. Let’s embrace the energy of expansion that this new cycle brings, allowing yourself to connect with your heart, visions, and desires.

I will create a sacred space for a deep encounter with ourselves. time for self-care, self-reflection, intention setting, and balance. Let yourself be held and supported in this nourishing feminine space as you surrender into deep rest.

What to expect:

*Ceremonial cacao & Intention setting

*Restorative yoga, somatic and intuitive movement

*Journalling & oracle cards

*Mantra, meditation and healing sounds

About ceremonial cacao:

Cacao provides the space for connecting with oneself and promotes deep opening and complete relaxation. It contains biochemical compounds which act on the nervous system thus promoting a state of full relaxation. It aids in any transformational shift you are working towards, whether you are looking to deepen your understanding of who you are or release old patterns and traumas.

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Winter Solstice Yin Yoga, Cacao & Holistic Sound
7:00 PM19:00

Winter Solstice Yin Yoga, Cacao & Holistic Sound

Friday 20th Dec, 7-9.15pm £40

Manor Farm Studio, Fenny Compton

Come and escape the count down to xmas . This workshop will begin with ceremonial cacao.

A Winter Yin Sequence to Call on the Light Within.

The Winter Solstice marks an auspicious shift in daylight, when we begin to emerge from the darkness back into the light. On the shortest, darkest day of the year, we are urged to call on the divine light from within. The long dark days of winter can lend themselves to physical stagnation, fatigue, and hibernation. In this yin yoga sequence, we honor the pause before we are called to expand once again.

To honour the energetics of Winter and the element of Water we will be working with Kidney Qi.

The Kidney-Bladder pair is the foundation of balance for all other organ pairs. This pair is our storehouse of vital energy that must remain in balance for our system to work harmoniously. Within our kidneys, according to TCM lives our Jing, or essence. Jing is said to be the foundation of all life. Some believe it to be connected to our ancestry and our inherited constitution. Our prenatal Jing, the energy stores that we are born with, are constantly being depleted simply by living life. Additional stress and illness consume your prenatal Jing more rapidly. We can accumulate postnatal Jing through mindful living and practice like Yin Yoga. Jing is said to be the key to longevity in TCM, which is why stimulating our Kidney Qi and replenishing our Jing is so important.

The yin yoga section with Lisa will be followed by a gong Bath with Jenny-Ann, an immersion in sacred sound that can transport you to a deeply meditative state.

Gongs promote a deep sense of well being and inner peace, with participants bathed in the sounds of the gongs often experiencing feelings of timelessness, visions or colours.The deep resonance of the gongs affects the body on a cellular level, releasing tension and stress by sonic massage.

This workshop is not suitable for the following health conditions due to the powerful vibrations from the gongs: pregnancy, severe osteoporosis, epilepsy, sound sensitive conditions (tinnitus/ menieres/some migraine), recent surgery with plates/pins, pacemakers, unstable mental health conditions (schizophrenia/bipolar).

Mats and props will be provided for this workshop but please bring an extra blanket for comfort, and your own mat if you prefer.



Cacao was used in Ritual and Ceremony by our Mesoamerican ancestors and was considered sacred. It is interesting that the ritual and ceremonial use had been lost.
Cacao had been practically diluted beyond recognition into Chocolate confections with added fats and sugars which can detract from the magic.

There is a difference in vibration when you eat a dairy filled Chocolate bar compared to a minimally processed dark Chocolate.

Drinking Cacao in it's purest form allows a deeper connection to ourselves, our own intuition, knowing and inner guidance.

The joy of Cacao has recently been rediscovered in the western World, with people consuming it in a pure form and receiving support and messages from the Cacao spirit.

Cacao is regaining its reputation as a powerful yet gentle earth medicine.


  • Gentle but powerful

  • Won’t push you through a door rather gently leads you there if you are willing

  • Can sit with her and feel the support even when not drinking her

  • Helps you understand yourself

  • Can aid clearing emotional blocks

  • Enables the letting go of past relationships

  • Connects you with your creativity

  • Enhances focus and mental agility

  • May find you no longer crave crappy chocolate

  • Cacao can be enjoyed as an alternative to coffee or tea

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Myo-Yin & Yoga Nidra- Throat, 3rd eye & crown
7:00 PM19:00

Myo-Yin & Yoga Nidra- Throat, 3rd eye & crown

  • Lisa Valentine Yoga CV47 2YY United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Friday 29th November @Manor Farm Studio, Fenny Compton 7-9pm


This year I am bringing a new element to my pure yin offerings. Throughout the year we will work through each Chakra energy centre through myo-fascial release techniques, using cork/tennis balls or our hands to activate more Qi through the acupressure points and meridians, as well as targeted yin postures. We will also find somatic movement patterns to release any stagnant tension/trauma/emotions.

This workshop cultivates harmony and balance as we breathe into our yin poses, releasing and letting go of tension, increasing flexibility as our Fascia, connective tissues and bones are energised as we soften into edge. Stimulate the meridian channels, releasing blockages an encouraging energy, Chi, Prana, life force to flow through your entire being.

In this session will be looking at connecting to our Throat, 3rd eye and crown chakra.

More details to follow

At the end of the session we will have a Yoga Nidra to fully connect to our Sankalpa/Intention and to create a sense of true rest and restore.

Sankalpa means an intention formed by the heart and mind -- a solemn vow, determination, or will. In practical terms a Sankalpa means a one-pointed resolve to focus both psychologically and philosophically on a specific goal. A sankalpa is a tool meant to refine the will, and to focus and harmonize mind and body

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Holistic Sound Healing with Jenny-Ann
4:00 PM16:00

Holistic Sound Healing with Jenny-Ann

Sunday 24th Nov 4-5.30pm @ Manor Farm, Fenny Compton

Investment £25

Join Jenny-Ann on this beautiful sound healing experience

Sound Therapy helps to harmonise your body and mind, bringing it back to a state of harmony with itself and its surroundings.
It is deeply relaxing and improves health and wellbeing, gives stress relief and enhances energy.
Lie back, close your eyes and float off as the beautiful sounds of the Himalayan and Crystal Bowls wash over you and the powerful vibrations of the Gongs put your body back into perfect harmony.

This workshop is not suitable for the following health conditions due to the powerful vibrations from the gongs: early pregnancy, severe osteoporosis, epilepsy, sound sensitive conditions (tinnitus/ menieres/some migraine), recent surgery with plates/pins, pacemakers, unstable mental health conditions (schizophrenia/bipolar).

Mats and props will be provided, but please bring an extra blanket/pillow for comfort, and your own mat if you prefer extra padding.

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Restorative Yoga & Heart Math for Menopause
2:00 PM14:00

Restorative Yoga & Heart Math for Menopause

Saturday 9th November 2-4.30pm . Manor Farm Studio, Fenny Compton.

Guest coach Harriet a local health coach will join me, and introduce her easy but very effective Heart Math technique. (more info below)


Many women feel isolated and alone when they go through menopause, however thankfully we are all starting to talk and share our experiences more.

Yoga for Hormonal Imbalances

Though menopause itself is simply the moment that menstruation stops, the transition generally takes several years. This phase is called perimenopause. During perimenopause, fluctuating estrogen and progesterone levels can trigger a myriad of uncomfortable symptoms. Among the most common are hot flashes, anxiety and irritability, insomnia, fatigue, depression and mood swings, memory lapses, and an erratic menstrual cycle.

This mini workshop is for anyone Pre, present or post as often the symptoms are the same. We will start with a safe nurturing woman’s circle, an introduction to Heart Math with health coach Harriet, followed by meditation, pranayama, scaravelli inspired Hatha, somatics, restorative yoga, long savasana with healing sounds of crystal & Tibetan and finish with time to connect and/or journal.

You will come away with some wonderful coping tools..

We will finish with a herbal tea and delicious treat

Hope to welcome you

Lisa x

Harriet Saxton

Bringing people together to nurture their health and happiness…

Everyone deserves to enjoy good health and happiness. It is not always easy, but our lifestyle choices can have a huge impact on how we feel day to day.  It takes time and patience to make lifestyle change, but it is so much easier when you have the support and accountability of a coach or a like-minded tribe. 

Menopause Support

There are also times during our lives when we really need to carve out time to nurture our health and wellbeing. This is especially true of  women during the Menopause. It is a time of huge physiological change, that impacts many different organs and systems of the body. so women need to take special care of themselves in order for their bodies to adapt and recalibrate to all the changes that occur during this time. Again it can be very powerful when you bring women together who are having similar experiences. It is so important not to feel alone when we face any challenges in life. 

As a certified Health & Wellbeing coach, my mission is to bring women together, and to support them to take better care of themselves. I help them to foster self- compassion, and to make intentional choices to nurture themselves with nutritious food, joyful movement,  rest and sleep. 


I am also a certified HeartMath coach and am passionate about sharing these powerful breathwork practices and emotional regulation techniques. I have witnessed over and over the transformative impact these practices have on our emotional wellbeing, which is so critical to our overall Health & Wellbeing. 

If you would like support to nurture your health and wellbeing or to make a lifestyle change, please do get in touch. I would be delighted to help you

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Mum & Baby Yoga Special w Rossana
11:00 AM11:00

Mum & Baby Yoga Special w Rossana

Mum & Baby Yoga Special 

Thursday 7th November 11 - 12.30pm

Investment £22

Fill your own cup with a session to include post natal yoga, journaling, tea and treats. This is a yoga class for you where babies are welcome too

Nurture your own physical, mental and emotional wellbeing with a gentle, slow paced yoga practise to stretch and strengthen your body post-labour and plenty of breathing and mindfulness exercises for calm and relaxation. We will finish with self-love affirmations and journalling with prompts around self care, alongisde refreshments and opportunity to chat to other likeminded mamas. This is an opportunity to take care of yourself while also being close to your baby.

Feeding, nappy changing, baby napping and noise are all very welcome here. 

Suitable once you’ve had your 6-8 week postnatal check up and have been given the go-ahead for exercise. Also best for pre-crawlers as the session is aimed more for the mums.

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Nada yoga, (mantra, harp, crystal & Tibetan bowls) (Copy)
4:00 PM16:00

Nada yoga, (mantra, harp, crystal & Tibetan bowls) (Copy)

Sunday 3rd November 4-5.30pm

Investment £40

Nada Yoga is “union through sound”. The union of body, mind and spirit.

Nada has the same place in Yoga as energy has in science. Whilst we can’t see energy, we can feel it as vibrations and all energy, all vibrations generate sound. Sound is one way for us to experience energy.

Sound energy can have a healing impact on many levels. Deep vibration can release the tension of muscles and pain, it massages the organs and rewires the brain which allows stress and anxiety to disappear.

This session will be hosted by Lisa & Noah.

The session will start with a cup of sacred Ceremonial Cacao, a true heart opening medicine that will allow us to be full present with this unique experience.

All you need to do is turn up, lie down and get comfortable with blankets and pillows as you relax and “bathe” in the healing vibrations of sound.

Tibetan and crystal bowls will be played along side a relaxing meditation, you will experience different vibrational frequencies washing over you. Special guest Noa Davies, Oxfordshire based Harpist will then soothe you with a heart-filled immersion of live harp music.

At the end you will have time to reflect, and return to a deep state of connection. What is revealed when you slow down the pace of life, pause, and listen?

The peaceful, healing vibrations of bowls & live harp music, pathways to awaken the intuitive nature of your heart. Restore and regenerate your whole being

Come. Slow down and take rest.
Allow space and time for healing and transformation.

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Autumn Rest n Restore Yin Yoga , Cacao & Holistic Sound Jouney
7:00 PM19:00

Autumn Rest n Restore Yin Yoga , Cacao & Holistic Sound Jouney

Friday 18th October, 7-9.15pm investment £40

This workshop will begin with a lower dose of ceremonial cacao.

Gift yourself the opportunity to really slow down and turn your awareness inwards.

There is a natural tendency during this time of transition to reflect upon what part of our own lives might be out of balance and how we can cultivate more balance mentally, emotionally and physically. A Yin Yoga practice is a wonderful way to regain some centering and embrace the changing seasons. In Chinese Medicine Theory Autumn is a time for letting go. To surrender. To release. To exhale.

We will explore postures and acupressure points to stimulate the lung and large intestine Meridian (related to the Metal element) which connects us to Autumn. Honouring transitions helps bring us into alignment with nature. It assists in letting go of habitual negative thought patterns and opens us to new potential.

Yin is deeply reflective practice, focusing on sensation, breath and spaciousness in the body and mind. It is a floor based yoga practice with extended holds in postures and plenty of time to begin to notice the subtle shifts in both energy and physicality.

The entire session will be accompanied by a holistic sound journey with Jenny-Ann, an immersion in sacred sound that can transport you to a deeply meditative state.

Gongs promote a deep sense of well being and inner peace, with participants bathed in the sounds of the gongs often experiencing feelings of timelessness, visions or colours.The deep resonance of the gongs affects the body on a cellular level, releasing tension and stress by sonic massage.

This workshop is not suitable for the following health conditions due to the powerful vibrations from the gongs: pregnancy, severe osteoporosis, epilepsy, sound sensitive conditions (tinnitus/ menieres/some migraine), recent surgery with plates/pins, pacemakers, unstable mental health conditions (schizophrenia/bipolar).

Sanitised props will be provided for this workshop but please bring a pillow case to cover my bolsters, an extra blanket for comfort, and your own mat if you prefer.

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Holistic Sound Healing with Jenny-Ann
4:00 PM16:00

Holistic Sound Healing with Jenny-Ann

Sunday 29th Sept 4-5.30pm @ Manor Farm, Fenny Compton

Investment £25

Join Jenny-Ann on this beautiful sound healing experience

Sound Therapy helps to harmonise your body and mind, bringing it back to a state of harmony with itself and its surroundings.
It is deeply relaxing and improves health and wellbeing, gives stress relief and enhances energy.
Lie back, close your eyes and float off as the beautiful sounds of the Himalayan and Crystal Bowls wash over you and the powerful vibrations of the Gongs put your body back into perfect harmony.

This workshop is not suitable for the following health conditions due to the powerful vibrations from the gongs: early pregnancy, severe osteoporosis, epilepsy, sound sensitive conditions (tinnitus/ menieres/some migraine), recent surgery with plates/pins, pacemakers, unstable mental health conditions (schizophrenia/bipolar).

Mats and props will be provided, but please bring an extra blanket/pillow for comfort, and your own mat if you prefer extra padding.

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Myo-Yin & Yoga Nidra
7:00 PM19:00

Myo-Yin & Yoga Nidra

  • Lisa Valentine Yoga CV47 2YY United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Friday 20th Sept @Manor Farm Studio, Fenny Compton 7-9pm


This year I am bringing a new element to my pure yin offerings. Throughout the year we will work through each energy centre through myo-fascial release techniques, using cork or tennis balls to activate more Qi through the acupressure points and meridians with yin postures. We will also find somatic movement patterns to release any stagnant tension/trauma/emotions.

This workshop cultivates harmony and balance as we breathe into our yin poses, releasing and letting go of tension, increasing flexibility as our Fascia, connective tissues and bones are energised as we soften into our edge. Stimulate the meridian channels, releasing blockages and encouraging energy, Chi, Prana, life force energy to flow through your entire being.

In this session will be looking at connecting to our heart/lungs- Anahata

In Sanskrit, “anahata” means unhurt, unstruck and unbeaten. It is the fourth primary chakra and serves as our center of love for oneself and others, compassion, empathy and forgiveness. The anahata chakra is associated with unconditional love, compassion, and joy. It is the source of deep and profound truths that cannot be expressed in words. Anahata is a bridge between the lower and upper chakras integrating the manifest with the spiritual.

At the end of the session we will have a Yoga Nidra to fully connect to our Sankalpa/Intention and to create a sense of true rest and restore.

Sankalpa means an intention formed by the heart and mind -- a solemn vow, determination, or will. In practical terms a Sankalpa means a one-pointed resolve to focus both psychologically and philosophically on a specific goal. A sankalpa is a tool meant to refine the will, and to focus and harmonize mind and body

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Yoga, Wild Swim & Sauna
9:30 AM09:30

Yoga, Wild Swim & Sauna

Yoga, Wild swim & Sauna Priors Hardwick, Warwickshire

£30pp (maximum 6 people per session ).

Session 1

9.30am Flow & Pranayama

10am-11am Swim & Sauna

Session 2

10.30am Flow & Pranayama

11am-12pm Swim & Sauna

This is a lovely chance to combine a small private yoga practice taught by myself, meditation, pranayama with a wild lake swim, followed by a Sauna,. The yoga is suitable for everyone including beginners.

If you have never tried wild swimming before then now is the time! Invigorate yourself and get your body feeling alive in beautiful surroundings. (Please note these sessions are only suited to confident swimmers, no swimming instruction given, I am only responsible for the yoga & breath work).

​The event package includes the following:

30-40 minutes of Flow & breath work to prepare you for a cool swim (yoga mats provided).

1 hour Wild Swim & Sauna

Snack & herbal tea

You may wish to bring the following

Towel/dry robe, Swimming hat & goggles, Blanket or cushion for the yoga

N.B please note these sessions are for confident swimmers only. By booking you are also agreeing to the following waiver: lisavalentineyoga.co.uk/waiver-wild-swim-sauna

About the yoga & how it will help you with your cold water experience .

An important part of yoga practice is pranayama, or breath control. It’s about using the breath with intention, whether that intention is to relax, invigorate or energise. 

There’s an obvious parallel between pranayama and swimming: both require conscious breathing, whether that’s matching your breath with your yoga movement or with your swim stroke.

But pranayama can help specifically with cold-water swimming too. When you immerse yourself in cold water, your body’s natural reaction is to snatch a breath. Yoga practice helps you manage your breath, calm yourself and not panic when you get in cold water.

I will teach you how to breathe in a transformative, meditative way that takes you out of your body, out of your mind.

Devoloping a strong, regular breath is vital. We will take time to get a steady breathing rhythm before going in the water, this can be beneficial. It’s usually the transition of getting in that needs the most managing but keeping a steady breath once you’re fully in helps too, and then once you’re moving this will happen naturally in between strokes. Breathing through the nose also helps to retain a little heat.

Yoga builds core strength and stability and warms you up, creating internal warmth or, as some yogis put it, internal fire. If You’re warm, you’ve got the blood flowing around your body, everything feels alive. By warming up the core and dialing in to your internal strength can give you a sense of internal warmth you can tap into.

The mental empowerment this can give you, by using your breath, and calming your mind, you are able to engage your strength, and tune into your body. Crucially, you also feel warm and ready for the water. 

#wildswim #yogawildswim #wildswimandsauna

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Evening Yoga, Wild Swim & Sauna
6:30 PM18:30

Evening Yoga, Wild Swim & Sauna

Yoga, Wild swim & Sauna Priors Hardwick, Warwickshire

£30pp (maximum 6 people per session).

Session 1

6.30pm Flow & Pranayama

7-8pm Swim & Sauna

Session 2

7.30pm Flow & Pranayama

8-9pm Swim & Sauna

This is a lovely chance to combine a small private yoga practice taught by myself, meditation, pranayama with a wild pond swim, followed by a Sauna,. The yoga is suitable for everyone including beginners.

If you have never tried wild swimming before then now is the time! Invigorate yourself and get your body feeling alive in beautiful surroundings. (Please note these sessions are only suited to confident swimmers, no swimming instruction given)

​The event package includes the following:

30-40 minutes of Flow style yoga & breath work to prepare you for a cool swim (yoga mats provided).

1 hour Wild Swim & Sauna

Snack & herbal tea

You may wish to bring the following

Towel/dry robe, Swimming hat & goggles, Blanket or cushion for the yoga

N.B please note these sessions are for confident swimmers only. By booking you are also agreeing to the following waiver: lisavalentineyoga.co.uk/waiver-wild-swim-sauna

About the yoga & how it will help you with your cold water experience .

An important part of yoga practice is pranayama, or breath control. It’s about using the breath with intention, whether that intention is to relax, invigorate or energise. 

There’s an obvious parallel between pranayama and swimming: both require conscious breathing, whether that’s matching your breath with your yoga movement or with your swim stroke.

But pranayama can help specifically with cold-water swimming too. When you immerse yourself in cold water, your body’s natural reaction is to snatch a breath. Yoga practice helps you manage your breath, calm yourself and not panic when you get in cold water.

I will teach you how to breathe in a transformative, meditative way that takes you out of your body, out of your mind.

Devoloping a strong, regular breath is vital. We will take time to get a steady breathing rhythm before going in the water, this can be beneficial. It’s usually the transition of getting in that needs the most managing but keeping a steady breath once you’re fully in helps too, and then once you’re moving this will happen naturally in between strokes. Breathing through the nose also helps to retain a little heat.

Yoga builds core strength and stability and warms you up, creating internal warmth or, as some yogis put it, internal fire. If You’re warm, you’ve got the blood flowing around your body, everything feels alive. By warming up the core and dialing in to your internal strength can give you a sense of internal warmth you can tap into.

The mental empowerment this can give you, by using your breath, and calming your mind, you are able to engage your strength, and tune into your body. Crucially, you also feel warm and ready for the water. 

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Holistic Sound Healing with Jenny-Ann
4:00 PM16:00

Holistic Sound Healing with Jenny-Ann

Sunday 7th July 4-5.30pm @ Manor Farm, Fenny Compton

Investment £25

Join Jenny-Ann on this beautiful sound healing experience

Sound Therapy helps to harmonise your body and mind, bringing it back to a state of harmony with itself and its surroundings.
It is deeply relaxing and improves health and wellbeing, gives stress relief and enhances energy.
Lie back, close your eyes and float off as the beautiful sounds of the Himalayan and Crystal Bowls wash over you and the powerful vibrations of the Gongs put your body back into perfect harmony.

This workshop is not suitable for the following health conditions due to the powerful vibrations from the gongs: early pregnancy, severe osteoporosis, epilepsy, sound sensitive conditions (tinnitus/ menieres/some migraine), recent surgery with plates/pins, pacemakers, unstable mental health conditions (schizophrenia/bipolar).

Mats and props will be provided, but please bring an extra blanket/pillow for comfort, and your own mat if you prefer extra padding.

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Summer Solstice- Yoga, Wild Swim & Sauna
6:30 PM18:30

Summer Solstice- Yoga, Wild Swim & Sauna

Yoga, Wild swim & Sauna Priors Hardwick, Warwickshire

£30pp (maximum 6 people per session).

Session 1

6.30pm Flow & Pranayama

7-8pm Swim & Sauna

Session 2

7.30pm Flow & Pranayama

8-9pm Swim & Sauna

This is a lovely chance to combine a small private yoga practice taught by myself, meditation, pranayama with a wild lake swim, followed by a Sauna,. The yoga is suitable for everyone including beginners.

If you have never tried wild swimming before then now is the time! Invigorate yourself and get your body feeling alive in beautiful surroundings. (Please note these sessions are only suited to confident swimmers, no swimming instruction given, I am only responsible for the yoga & breath work).

​The event package includes the following:

30-40 minutes of Flow or Hatha yoga & breath work to prepare you for a cool swim (yoga mats provided).

1 hour Wild Swim & Sauna

Snack & herbal tea

You may wish to bring the following

Towel/dry robe, Swimming hat & goggles, Blanket or cushion for the yoga

N.B please note these sessions are for confident swimmers only. Waivers will be requested. By booking you are also agreeing to the following waiver: lisavalentineyoga.co.uk/waiver-wild-swim-sauna

About the yoga & how it will help you with your cold water experience .

An important part of yoga practice is pranayama, or breath control. It’s about using the breath with intention, whether that intention is to relax, invigorate or energise. 

There’s an obvious parallel between pranayama and swimming: both require conscious breathing, whether that’s matching your breath with your yoga movement or with your swim stroke.

But pranayama can help specifically with cold-water swimming too. When you immerse yourself in cold water, your body’s natural reaction is to snatch a breath. Yoga practice helps you manage your breath, calm yourself and not panic when you get in cold water.

I will teach you how to breathe in a transformative, meditative way that takes you out of your body, out of your mind.

Devoloping a strong, regular breath is vital. We will take time to get a steady breathing rhythm before going in the water, this can be beneficial. It’s usually the transition of getting in that needs the most managing but keeping a steady breath once you’re fully in helps too, and then once you’re moving this will happen naturally in between strokes. Breathing through the nose also helps to retain a little heat.

Yoga builds core strength and stability and warms you up, creating internal warmth or, as some yogis put it, internal fire. If You’re warm, you’ve got the blood flowing around your body, everything feels alive. By warming up the core and dialing in to your internal strength can give you a sense of internal warmth you can tap into.

The mental empowerment this can give you, by using your breath, and calming your mind, you are able to engage your strength, and tune into your body. Crucially, you also feel warm and ready for the water. 

#wildswim #yogawildswim #wildswimandsauna

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Yoga, Wild Swim & Sauna
9:30 AM09:30

Yoga, Wild Swim & Sauna

Yoga, Wild swim & Sauna Priors Hardwick, Warwickshire

£30pp (maximum 6 people per session ).

Session 1

9.30am Flow & Pranayama

10am-11am Swim & Sauna

Session 2

10.30am Flow & Pranayama

11am-12pm Swim & Sauna

This is a lovely chance to combine a small private yoga practice taught by myself, meditation, pranayama with a wild lake swim, followed by a Sauna,. The yoga is suitable for everyone including beginners.

If you have never tried wild swimming before then now is the time! Invigorate yourself and get your body feeling alive in beautiful surroundings. (Please note these sessions are only suited to confident swimmers, no swimming instruction given, I am only responsible for the yoga & breath work).

​The event package includes the following:

30-40 minutes of Flow or Hatha yoga & breath work to prepare you for a cool swim (yoga mats provided).

1 hour Wild Swim & Sauna

Snack & herbal tea

You may wish to bring the following

Towel/dry robe, Swimming hat & goggles, Blanket or cushion for the yoga

N.B please note these sessions are for confident swimmers only. By booking you are also agreeing to the following waiver: lisavalentineyoga.co.uk/waiver-wild-swim-sauna

About the yoga & how it will help you with your cold water experience .

An important part of yoga practice is pranayama, or breath control. It’s about using the breath with intention, whether that intention is to relax, invigorate or energise. 

There’s an obvious parallel between pranayama and swimming: both require conscious breathing, whether that’s matching your breath with your yoga movement or with your swim stroke.

But pranayama can help specifically with cold-water swimming too. When you immerse yourself in cold water, your body’s natural reaction is to snatch a breath. Yoga practice helps you manage your breath, calm yourself and not panic when you get in cold water.

I will teach you how to breathe in a transformative, meditative way that takes you out of your body, out of your mind.

Devoloping a strong, regular breath is vital. We will take time to get a steady breathing rhythm before going in the water, this can be beneficial. It’s usually the transition of getting in that needs the most managing but keeping a steady breath once you’re fully in helps too, and then once you’re moving this will happen naturally in between strokes. Breathing through the nose also helps to retain a little heat.

Yoga builds core strength and stability and warms you up, creating internal warmth or, as some yogis put it, internal fire. If You’re warm, you’ve got the blood flowing around your body, everything feels alive. By warming up the core and dialing in to your internal strength can give you a sense of internal warmth you can tap into.

The mental empowerment this can give you, by using your breath, and calming your mind, you are able to engage your strength, and tune into your body. Crucially, you also feel warm and ready for the water. 

#wildswim #yogawildswim #wildswimandsauna

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Holistic Sound Healing with Jenny-Ann
4:00 PM16:00

Holistic Sound Healing with Jenny-Ann

Sunday 19th May 4-5.30pm @ Manor Farm, Fenny Compton

Investment £25

Join Jenny-Ann on this beautiful sound healing experience

Sound Therapy helps to harmonise your body and mind, bringing it back to a state of harmony with itself and its surroundings.
It is deeply relaxing and improves health and wellbeing, gives stress relief and enhances energy.
Lie back, close your eyes and float off as the beautiful sounds of the Himalayan and Crystal Bowls wash over you and the powerful vibrations of the Gongs put your body back into perfect harmony.

This workshop is not suitable for the following health conditions due to the powerful vibrations from the gongs: early pregnancy, severe osteoporosis, epilepsy, sound sensitive conditions (tinnitus/ menieres/some migraine), recent surgery with plates/pins, pacemakers, unstable mental health conditions (schizophrenia/bipolar).

Mats and props will be provided, but please bring an extra blanket/pillow for comfort, and your own mat if you prefer extra padding.

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Yoga, Wild Swim & Sauna
11:30 AM11:30

Yoga, Wild Swim & Sauna

Yoga, Wild swim & Sauna Priors Hardwick, Warwickshire

£30pp (maximum 6 people).

Session 1

11.30am Flow & Pranayama

12-1pm Swim & Sauna

Session 2

12.30pm Flow & Pranayama

1-2pm Swim & Sauna

This is a lovely chance to combine a small private yoga practice taught by myself, meditation, pranayama with a wild lake swim, followed by a Sauna,. The yoga is suitable for everyone including beginners.

If you have never tried wild swimming before then now is the time! Invigorate yourself and get your body feeling alive in beautiful surroundings. (Please note these sessions are only suited to confident swimmers, no swimming instruction given, I am only responsible for the yoga & breath work).

​The event package includes the following:

30-40 minutes of Flow or Hatha yoga & breath work to prepare you for a cool swim (yoga mats provided).

1 hour Wild Swim & Sauna

Snack & herbal tea

You may wish to bring the following

Towel/dry robe, Swimming hat & goggles, Blanket or cushion for the yoga

N.B please note these sessions are for confident swimmers only. By booking you are also agreeing to the following waiver: lisavalentineyoga.co.uk/waiver-wild-swim-sauna

About the yoga & how it will help you with your cold water experience .

An important part of yoga practice is pranayama, or breath control. It’s about using the breath with intention, whether that intention is to relax, invigorate or energise. 

There’s an obvious parallel between pranayama and swimming: both require conscious breathing, whether that’s matching your breath with your yoga movement or with your swim stroke.

But pranayama can help specifically with cold-water swimming too. When you immerse yourself in cold water, your body’s natural reaction is to snatch a breath. Yoga practice helps you manage your breath, calm yourself and not panic when you get in cold water.

I will teach you how to breathe in a transformative, meditative way that takes you out of your body, out of your mind.

Devoloping a strong, regular breath is vital. We will take time to get a steady breathing rhythm before going in the water, this can be beneficial. It’s usually the transition of getting in that needs the most managing but keeping a steady breath once you’re fully in helps too, and then once you’re moving this will happen naturally in between strokes. Breathing through the nose also helps to retain a little heat.

Yoga builds core strength and stability and warms you up, creating internal warmth or, as some yogis put it, internal fire. If You’re warm, you’ve got the blood flowing around your body, everything feels alive. By warming up the core and dialing in to your internal strength can give you a sense of internal warmth you can tap into.

The mental empowerment this can give you, by using your breath, and calming your mind, you are able to engage your strength, and tune into your body. Crucially, you also feel warm and ready for the water. 

#wildswim #yogawildswim #wildswimandsauna

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Yoga, Wild Swim & Sauna
12:00 PM12:00

Yoga, Wild Swim & Sauna

Yoga, Wild swim & Sauna

Priors Hardwick, Warwickshire

First date open to book: 21st April

Wait lists for 4th and 11th May

£30pp (maximum 6 people).

Session 1

12pm Flow & Pranayama

12.30-1.30pm Swim & Sauna

Session 2

1pm Hatha Flow & Pranayama

1.30pm-2.30pm Swim & Sauna

This is a lovely chance to combine a small private yoga practice taught by myself, meditation, pranayama with a wild lake swim, followed by a Sauna,. The yoga is suitable for everyone including beginners.

If you have never tried wild swimming before then now is the time! Invigorate yourself and get your body feeling alive in beautiful surroundings. (Please note these sessions are only suited to confident swimmers, no swimming instruction given, I am only responsible for the yoga & breath work).

​The event package includes the following:

30-40 minutes of Flow or Hatha yoga & breath work to prepare you for a cool swim (yoga mats provided).

1 hour Wild Swim & Sauna

Snack & herbal tea

You may wish to bring the following

Towel/dry robe, Swimming hat & goggles, Blanket or cushion for the yoga

N.B please note these sessions are for confident swimmers only. Waivers will be requested.

#wildswim #yogawildswim #wildswimandsauna

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Yin & Holistic Sound, A Journey through the Chakras.
7:00 PM19:00

Yin & Holistic Sound, A Journey through the Chakras.


Friday 19th April, 7.-9.15pm, £40 @ Manor Farm Studio, Fenny Compton

Turn your focus inward and away from the busy world. Dissolve stress to reprogram your energy and arrive at a place of connection and peace.

We begin with a cup of Ceremonial Cacao and set our intentions & to open our hearts and minds, (or if you prefer a calming herbal tea). Followed by a gentle Yin Yoga Journey through the Chakra System, exploring the 7 chakras, their significance, emotional expression & their power on our physical & subtle body. An expansion of consciousness and deep inner healing.

This workshop will cultivate mind, body awareness as we take residence in our own bodies, slowing down, calming our nervous systems & finding a deep stillness while consciously breathing & exploring yin postures; balancing body, mind & spirit & encouraging a deeper exploration of self. Yin Yoga is slow paced, meditative & targets the deep connective tissues/ ligaments between the muscles & the layers of fascia throughout the body, increasing circulation in the joints & improving flexibility as the poses are held for longer periods of time. As we work with these layers, we create the conditions to release deeply held tension in the body & mind, while encouraging awareness of inner silence and creating a deep sense of calm. Through yin, meditation, breath and visualisation we open the chakras, with beneficial effects on our whole being. Through deep connection to the breath, a guided relaxation, together with Yin postures whilst working with the energy body, you will have the opportunity to enter into a space of sublime relaxation and meditation.

Yin Yoga is a practice of compassionate mindfulness, self discovery, and transformation. It focuses on paying attention, letting go, and developing the witness to whatever comes up in the physical body, mental body, emotions, and breath. With this understanding, we can create harmony and balance in all areas of life. Benefits of Yin yoga:

• Targets the fascia and connective tissue in the body to stretch, release and create space

• Releases emotional patterning stuck in the body

• Increases circulation • Can improve postural and skeleton alignment

• Calms nervous system

• Reduces stress and relieves tension

• Healing • Balances our yin and yang attributes

• Opens energy (meridian) channels in the body.

This workshop will be accompanied by a healing Gong Bath with Jenny-Ann, an immersion in sacred sound that can transport you to a deeply meditative state.

Gongs promote a deep sense of well being and inner peace, with participants bathed in the sounds of the gongs often experiencing feelings of timelessness, visions or colours.The deep resonance of the gongs affects the body on a cellular level, releasing tension and stress by sonic massage.

This workshop is not suitable for the following health conditions due to the powerful vibrations from the gongs: pregnancy, severe osteoporosis, epilepsy, sound sensitive conditions (tinnitus/ menieres/some migraine), recent surgery with plates/pins, pacemakers, unstable mental health conditions (schizophrenia/bipolar).

All props will be provided for this workshop, but please bring your own mat if you’d like to double up.

Aromatherapy, eye pillows, bolsters & cosy blankets set the scene for the extra long savasana with sound healing at the end of the class!

Please visit this page for more info on Ceremonial Cacao

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Yoga & Nutrition for Menopause
2:00 PM14:00

Yoga & Nutrition for Menopause

Saturday 23rd March 2-4.30pm . Manor Farm Studio, Fenny Compton.

Guest coach Lucy a local nutritional therapist will share her wisdom of the connection of balancing our blood sugar levels during this time.


Many women feel isolated and alone when they go through menopause, however thankfully we are all starting to talk and share our experiences more.

Yoga for Hormonal Imbalances

Though menopause itself is simply the moment that menstruation stops, the transition generally takes several years. This phase is called perimenopause. During perimenopause, fluctuating estrogen and progesterone levels can trigger a myriad of uncomfortable symptoms. Among the most common are hot flashes, anxiety and irritability, insomnia, fatigue, depression and mood swings, memory lapses, and an erratic menstrual cycle.

This mini workshop is for anyone Pre, present or post as often the symptoms are the same. We will start with a safe nurturing woman’s circle, a presentation with nutritional coach Lucy, followed by meditation, pranayama, scaravelli inspired Hatha, somatics, restorative yoga postures and finish with some journaling prompts that you can take home with you.

You will come away with some wonderful coping tools..

We will finish with a herbal tea and healthy snack

Hope to welcome you

Lisa x

Intro to nutritional health by Lucy #thenutrionaltherapist

I'm a Nutritional Therapist specialising in digestive issues & women's hormonal health, such as IBS and perimenopause. I empower women to feel healthy, body confident & energised by building positive relationships with food, their bodies & minds. 
I help women to beat cravings and bloating, balance hormones and boost their energy through key diet & lifestyle changes. I work with professional women leading busy lives who love food and want to look and feel great. I provide personalised, practical yet powerful solutions for weight loss, digestive issues & balancing hormones. All tailored to their lifestyle and their body. 
I have 10+ years of clinical experience in helping women to achieve great health & well-being. 

On this workshop lucy will share her wisdom
The one thing you need to know as you enter perimenopause...

This one principle can help to balance hormones, lower stress & anxiety, improve sleep, increase energy, stop cravings, regulate weight and prevent disease.

What is the single most important thing you need to understand about your diet?
Understanding blood sugar is key for everyone and as we enter into perimenopause it becomes absolutely crucial to know how to regulate it. Implementing this one dietary principle is so powerful in supporting this transition naturally.

It will enable you to know what to eat, and when, to optimise your health and well-being through the menopause and beyond.


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Kirtan with Julie & Alex (Copy)
7:00 PM19:00

Kirtan with Julie & Alex (Copy)

Friday 22nd March 7-9pm £25

Kirtan is a very simple and powerful way to meditate. It is part of an ancient form of Yoga known as Bhakti - the Yoga of Devotion. The word "kirtan" or "kirtana" translates into "telling, narrating, enumerating, or describing."

Kirtan chants are usually sung in call-and-response style where the wallah (leader) sings the mantra, and the group sings it back. There may be several instruments or it could be as simple as a single harmonium or guitar. You might think of it as a sing-along, like sitting around a campfire. The songs are a beautiful tapestry of Sanskrit, English, and other languages; however, Kirtan is non-denominational, the Universal language of Spirit, the song of the Soul.

Kirtan is all about community, people coming together. Just like so many other yogic practices, kirtan allows you to release stress, tension and anxiety. The various chants and mantras sung together could be thought of as medicine for the soul. The word "mantra" is made up of two halves: "man," the root of "manas," meaning "mind" and "tra," meaning "vehicle" or "instrument," referring to a chant’s ability to transport the mind from one state to another. When chanting in a group, music’s ability to bring people together allows the energy of the whole room to be transported to another level, where all voices become One Voice.

Kirtan is for ALL people!
There are no masters of kirtan, no experts, no teachers, no advanced students, no beginners. There is no right or wrong way to sing kirtan. A voice that sings allows expression to flow and emotion to be released, which is perhaps why we need this aspect of yoga now more than ever in the modern day world.
Aesthetics don’t matter. All that matters is the spirit, the feeling. Don’t worry about what you sound like. Feel whatever you feel, have no expectations, no inhibitions. Kirtans are mostly written in Sanskrit, which is a language that may be new to you. Because kirtan singing is repetitive and the lead singer is going to be singing the same line again and again and again, you will get plenty of chances to catch up. If you don’t get it the first time, try again. Be patient with yourself and have fun!

Credit and thanks to https://www.blackcatyogajax.com/post/what-is-kirtan for the above summary on Kirtan

About Alex & Julie

Alex @basisholistics is a truly beautiful soul, who shines a light wherever he goes. Yoga teacher, breathwork facilitator, Full Power Cacao Master of Ceremonies and Kirtan leader; he has so much love for holding space, combing and sharing all of his practices to bring people together in deep conscious connection, with themselves, the divinity within and with each other.

Julie @julie_mrowicki is a dynamic and inspirational Full Power Cacao Master of Ceremonies facilitator, Kirtan Leader, and Space Holder. Her passion for building connections and fostering community shines through in the Cacao ceremonies, women's circles and Kirtans she facilitates. Her spaces are more than just gatherings; they are immersive experiences that resonate with the soul, designed to facilitate personal growth and communal harmony


I just wanted to say thank you so much for Friday night's Kirtan event.  I really really enjoyed it.  Not knowing what to expect, it was such a lovely evening and I could literally feel the tension leaving my body after each round of singing.  Alex and Julie are such lovely people with fantastic voices and their energy and gentleness was palpable.  

Coincidentally (or synchronistically) I had read the below the day before attending:

"In many shamanic societies, if you came to a medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited or depressed, they would ask one of four questions: "When did you stop dancing?  When did you stop singing?  When did you stop being enchanted by stories?  When did you stop being comforted by the sweet territory of silence?".  Gabrielle Roth.

I really felt those questions deeply and realised that I had stopped singing and dancing in my own life both physically and metaphorically a lot of years ago.  I think March 2020 lockdown was the final straw.  Kirtan encompassed all of the above and it was so good to be reminded of all of these things in such a beautiful way.  It was truly uplifting for the mind, body, heart and soul.  I'm so glad I attended and had this reminder and experience that as humans we are truly nourished by song, dance, story and silence.  

Thank you for a beautiful evening.

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Kirtan with Julie & Alex
7:00 PM19:00

Kirtan with Julie & Alex

Friday 22nd March 7-9pm £25

Kirtan is a very simple and powerful way to meditate. It is part of an ancient form of Yoga known as Bhakti - the Yoga of Devotion. The word "kirtan" or "kirtana" translates into "telling, narrating, enumerating, or describing."

Kirtan chants are usually sung in call-and-response style where the wallah (leader) sings the mantra, and the group sings it back. There may be several instruments or it could be as simple as a single harmonium or guitar. You might think of it as a sing-along, like sitting around a campfire. The songs are a beautiful tapestry of Sanskrit, English, and other languages; however, Kirtan is non-denominational, the Universal language of Spirit, the song of the Soul.

Kirtan is all about community, people coming together. Just like so many other yogic practices, kirtan allows you to release stress, tension and anxiety. The various chants and mantras sung together could be thought of as medicine for the soul. The word "mantra" is made up of two halves: "man," the root of "manas," meaning "mind" and "tra," meaning "vehicle" or "instrument," referring to a chant’s ability to transport the mind from one state to another. When chanting in a group, music’s ability to bring people together allows the energy of the whole room to be transported to another level, where all voices become One Voice.

Kirtan is for ALL people!
There are no masters of kirtan, no experts, no teachers, no advanced students, no beginners. There is no right or wrong way to sing kirtan. A voice that sings allows expression to flow and emotion to be released, which is perhaps why we need this aspect of yoga now more than ever in the modern day world.
Aesthetics don’t matter. All that matters is the spirit, the feeling. Don’t worry about what you sound like. Feel whatever you feel, have no expectations, no inhibitions. Kirtans are mostly written in Sanskrit, which is a language that may be new to you. Because kirtan singing is repetitive and the lead singer is going to be singing the same line again and again and again, you will get plenty of chances to catch up. If you don’t get it the first time, try again. Be patient with yourself and have fun!

Credit and thanks to https://www.blackcatyogajax.com/post/what-is-kirtan for the above summary on Kirtan

About Alex & Julie

Alex @basisholistics is a truly beautiful soul, who shines a light wherever he goes. Yoga teacher, breathwork facilitator, Full Power Cacao Master of Ceremonies and Kirtan leader; he has so much love for holding space, combing and sharing all of his practices to bring people together in deep conscious connection, with themselves, the divinity within and with each other.

Julie @julie_mrowicki is a dynamic and inspirational Full Power Cacao Master of Ceremonies facilitator, Kirtan Leader, and Space Holder. Her passion for building connections and fostering community shines through in the Cacao ceremonies, women's circles and Kirtans she facilitates. Her spaces are more than just gatherings; they are immersive experiences that resonate with the soul, designed to facilitate personal growth and communal harmony


I just wanted to say thank you so much for Friday night's Kirtan event.  I really really enjoyed it.  Not knowing what to expect, it was such a lovely evening and I could literally feel the tension leaving my body after each round of singing.  Alex and Julie are such lovely people with fantastic voices and their energy and gentleness was palpable.  

Coincidentally (or synchronistically) I had read the below the day before attending:

"In many shamanic societies, if you came to a medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited or depressed, they would ask one of four questions: "When did you stop dancing?  When did you stop singing?  When did you stop being enchanted by stories?  When did you stop being comforted by the sweet territory of silence?".  Gabrielle Roth.

I really felt those questions deeply and realised that I had stopped singing and dancing in my own life both physically and metaphorically a lot of years ago.  I think March 2020 lockdown was the final straw.  Kirtan encompassed all of the above and it was so good to be reminded of all of these things in such a beautiful way.  It was truly uplifting for the mind, body, heart and soul.  I'm so glad I attended and had this reminder and experience that as humans we are truly nourished by song, dance, story and silence.  

Thank you for a beautiful evening.

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Myo-Yin & Nidra -Swadishtana/Sacral
7:00 PM19:00

Myo-Yin & Nidra -Swadishtana/Sacral

Friday 15th March @Manor Farm Studio, Fenny Compton 7-9pm


This year I am bringing a new element to my pure yin offerings. Throughout the year we will work through each Chakra energy centre through myo-fascial release techniques, using cork or tennis balls to activate more Qi through the acupressure points and meridians with yin postures. We will also find somatic movement patterns to release any stagnant tension/trauma/emotions.

This workshop cultivates harmony and balance as we breathe into our yin poses, releasing and letting go of tension, increasing flexibility as our Fascia, connective tissues and bones are energised as we soften into edge. Stimulate the meridian channels, releasing blockages an encouraging energy, Chi, Prana, life force to flow through your entire being.

In this session will be looking at connecting to our Sacral/swadishtana.

As the center of passion, it awakens the power of creation. This allows a person to discover the power of choice and create intimate relationships. Motivated by pleasure, Svadhishthana Chakra promotes emotional well-being. It plays an active role in our sexuality and the expression of our emotional needs and desires. There are many reasons why you might benefit from aligning with this energy space.

These include:

  • connecting to our sensuality

  • creativity

  • unstructured expression

  • healthy emotions and the inner child

  • the divine feminine

  • synchronicity

  • healing deep wounded emotions

At the end of the session we will have a Yoga Nidra to fully connect to our Sankalpa and to create a sense of true rest and restore.

Sankalpa means an intention formed by the heart and mind -- a solemn vow, determination, or will. In practical terms a Sankalpa means a one-pointed resolve to focus both psychologically and philosophically on a specific goal. A sankalpa is a tool meant to refine the will, and to focus and harmonize mind and body

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Holistic Sound Healing with Jenny-Ann
4:00 PM16:00

Holistic Sound Healing with Jenny-Ann

Sunday 3rd March 4-5.30pm @ Manor Farm, Fenny Compton

Investment £25

Join Jenny-Ann on this beautiful sound healing experience

Sound Therapy helps to harmonise your body and mind, bringing it back to a state of harmony with itself and its surroundings.
It is deeply relaxing and improves health and wellbeing, gives stress relief and enhances energy.
Lie back, close your eyes and float off as the beautiful sounds of the Himalayan and Crystal Bowls wash over you and the powerful vibrations of the Gongs put your body back into perfect harmony.

This workshop is not suitable for the following health conditions due to the powerful vibrations from the gongs: early pregnancy, severe osteoporosis, epilepsy, sound sensitive conditions (tinnitus/ menieres/some migraine), recent surgery with plates/pins, pacemakers, unstable mental health conditions (schizophrenia/bipolar).

Mats and props will be provided, but please bring an extra blanket/pillow for comfort, and your own mat if you prefer extra padding.

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Arm Balance workshop with Becca
2:00 PM14:00

Arm Balance workshop with Becca

  • MANOR FARM, Northend Road Southam, England, CV47 United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Arm balance workshop with Becca.

March 2nd 2-4pm @ Manor Farm Studio. Fenny Compton

Investment £25

Join Becca for one of her signature workshops guiding you through skills and drills specifically designed to aid you in your arm balance journey.

This workshop is open to anyone interested in taking flight. Together we will move though sequences, activating muscles used in arm balancing, using props along the way and playing with crow pose, side crow, flying splits and eight angle. For those at the beginning of your journey this workshop will help you gain a better insight into how to achieve these poses and get those feet off the ground. Those who are confident in them there will be options on taking your arm balancing to the next stage, sequencing them together and playing with jump backs and inversions.

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