Julie M
I’ve always practiced yoga in some form but I started to really commit to it to more seriously when attending Lisa’s classes after the birth of my second child - and the rest as they say is history! It was one of the only things I could do in what was quite an anxious time, that would completely settle my mind. It was like magic.
At first, I’ll be honest, it was all about the postures and the relaxation (!) but slowly over time, the real magic of yoga began to seep in. The changes were subtle but noticeable. I could switch-off during my yoga practice, I became more mindful and I started to meet some wonderful people who have now become yogi friends.
The more I started to learn about the philosophy of yoga the more I wanted to know so I began to attend more classes and workshops. Yoga is now such a big part of my life I can’t imagine not doing it. It’s become a real comfort, knowing that my practice is always there for me, whatever happens or wherever I am, I can always come back to the mat - sometimes to just sit and breathe or to be more energetic.
The practice continues to amaze me and through it I’ve learnt so much about my own body but also how I can show up for others. For me, it’s like coming home. For anyone thinking of trying yoga - all I can say is do it, it might just change your life. Why would a tradition have continued for thousands of years if it wasn’t so powerful!?
Julie A
Yoga – the thinking woman’s exercise
Growing up in the north, yoga was considered ‘exotic,’ with my young brain confusing meditate with levitate and imagining ladies in long flowing robes floating over Doncaster.
Cut to the present and I am a convert. Having worn out hips and knees from trying to be a runner, Lisa’s arrival in Middleton Cheney in 2015 couldn’t have come at a better time. I quickly realised however that yoga wasn’t a case of lying on a mat breathing beautiful thoughts – ‘are you kidding me?’ screamed my hamstrings at the first down dog. Anyone who says yoga doesn’t make you sweat hasn’t done Becca’s class on a Monday, but the reason I love the classes with Lisa and Becca is that I bend my body and my brain. The music, the language, learning the chakras and the chanting all make for the most ethereal brain stimulation, which combined with the strengthening and flexing of all the muscles and core adds up to an hour which revitalises and relaxes. My hip and knee issues have over the years doing yoga magically resolved and Lisa and Becca’s online classes during Covid were an hour of sanity in the daily madness. To top it all doing a headstand at 60 was proof that age is no barrier to getting the blood to parts of the brain previously assumed fossilised. All this combined with a warm, welcoming studio in Fenny Compton and a lovely sense of female bonding over yoga makes for a compelling package.
The final testimony though has to be from my daughter who said, ‘Mum, you’re so much nicersince you’ve been doing yoga’. Praise indeed.
I decided to give yoga a go about seven years ago. I’d not long started a new job and moved to a new town. Whilst this new job was one I was happy to have got and a job I still love doing to this day, it does come with a high level of stress and anxiety. Almost subconsciously I was looking for a way to get out of my head and to find a method that would give me an inner peace and calm. I searched for beginner classes in my area and fell upon Lisa’s studio.
Since that point seven years ago I haven’t looked back, yoga has seen me through work challenges, relationship challenges and a pandemic. It has also given me an amazing community to be part of, those people I look forward to chatting to at the start and end of each class, the friends I’ve made through going and the amazing people I’ve connected with whilst on retreat.
There’s something quite special about Lisa’s studio, her teaching and her teachers. I love the blend of yoga styles and the opportunity to learn more about yoga philosophy. The combination of the physical and spiritual practise I have found to be enlightening and inspiring.
It’s a highlight of my week to roll out the mat, find some headspace and to surprise myself over what my body can do.
Thank you Lisa and her team.
Hitting the half century mark was a stark reminder to keep the body strong and fit. I’ve always lead a pretty active and outdoorsy type of life, and especially love to walk and garden, but following a ‘sore back’ incident it was a wake up call to keep that with my age marching on I needed to put a bit more into keeping my core strong.
Given that I loathe the gym, yoga ticked all the boxes, so i trotted along to Fenny Compton to try my first ever yoga session, and have never looked back. It’s now a happy Tuesday evening ritual and I feel stronger and more flexible as a result.
My Yoga journey started when I began a Pregnancy Yoga course with firstly Lisa and also Becca over 4years ago when I was pregnant with my first daughter.
I continued all throughout both my Pregnancies I loved it so much and can honestly say It was amazing, and made such a difference to my pregnancies and beyond!
I was very very lucky to have very quick, natural smooth Births with both my Daughter’s and I am certain that was down to my mindset and the tools that I learnt through my Yoga practice.
I also took my daughter to Mums&Bubs yoga, from when she was 6weeks old, before lockdown, and the online classes definitely keep us both going!
I now enjoy a Mindful flow Yoga Class with Lisa every Wednesday evening and enjoy it so much.
And also attended a couple of workshops over the last few years,most recently a few Yin Restorative evenings and they have been absolutely amazing,I felt the benefits from those evenings for days after!
I have suffered with my mental health for many years now and Yoga has definitely made so much difference to my life. It has definitely become my Therapy!
I recomend Lisa and her Team to anyone that will listen, I have always felt in such safe hands, the Knowledge and Expertise from Lisa and Becca really is second to none!
And can not Thank them both enough!
I have learnt so much throughout my Yoga Journey and hope I will continue learning and loving Yoga throughout my life. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
I found Lisa when I was looking for a pregnancy yoga class. During all the Covid craziness Lisa made sure we had access to online classes so we didn’t miss out which I really appreciated.
After having my little boy I wanted some time where it was just me so a few months later I looked at the courses available and decided to give Ashtanga style a go. Adele is a lovely teacher, almost 3 years on and I still love this class, it’s my little piece of tranquility during the busy week, although it’s certainly a bit of a workout too. I have tried out various other styles at Lisa’s gorgeous studio and also found my love of sound baths….utter bliss.
One of my life goals was to attend a yoga retreat which I did for the first time last year. I loved it so much I am going to the French alps again this year.
I cannot imagine going anywhere else for my yoga fix. I thank the universe for bringing Lisa and her lovely team into my life.
Lucy x
We have all seen the toned yoga bodies on social media and thought, “well that’s just not me. I’m 59, not toned have an allergy to gyms and a spine that just says ‘NO” after years of nursing.Two years ago I developed a painful right hip and a friend encourage me to join her for a drop in Saturday morning beginners yoga session at Manor Farm. I thought, why not give it a try and I can honestly say it has been one of the most important decisions I have made not only for my physical wellbeing but also my mental wellbeing.Within a month I was downward dogging with the rest, my pigeon was well and truly stretched out and my back had never felt better. In fact, I was slowly becoming hooked. Soon I was doing three lessons a week and had set up a little space at home which was calm, relaxing and somewhere where in the middle of the night with excruciating back ache I could go and deep breath, stretch and twist until everything settled.After each session I felt that I had given my body a treat. My hip pain was not improving when I walked but after yoga, I would have 30 minutes or so pain free. As my enjoyment grew, I took the bold step to go on my own to one of Lisa’s retreats and had such a great time. Made friends, experienced new types of yoga, relaxed with a massage and immersed myself in a sound bath.
So, a year and a half on I am still hooked on my yoga, last week I had a hip replacement, unfortunately no amount of yoga could have stopped the ravages of osteoarthritis but what yoga has ensured is that pre surgery the flexibility and strength of my hip cold not have been any better. So, I’m counting the days till I can return to my mat, in that beautiful studio, with friends who make no judgements to give my body and mind the care it deserves.
So, my piece of advice is that you are never too old or too stiff to start yoga. Just give it a go and surprise yourself.
My journey in yoga started from a recommendation from a Physiotherapist I was working with to resolve some odd cramps I'd been suffering. He told me that I needed to improve my core strength and suppleness. I've raced motorcycles all my life and have had an interesting selection of musculoskeletal injuries over the years that all leave their mark on me. I started with a novice class in Rugby where I lived at the time just before lockdowns began in 2020, and continued as best I could as a complete beginner via video lessons and the odd bit of e-mail instruction. Once real classes started up again and I was able to get proper instruction again, I quickly realised that the mental benefits were as important as the physical and I knew I would continue with yoga for the long term, despite my teenage son's mockery when he described it as "guided stretching for those too stupid to work it out for themselves”.
Those mental health benefits were to prove most important to me when my son died unexpectedly in May of 2022 from S.A.D.S. The yoga group that I was part of were very good to me & the quiet time on my mat were some of the few moments of escape I had in the first few months. After losing Cameron I moved house to get away from some of the more painful memories & started looking for a more local class & I came across Lisa's studio.
I had some initial nerves at trying to find a new group as you're never quite sure how well you'll fit in as an overweight, middle-aged man in this environment, but I found it to be a lovely welcoming group, but I’ve now been coming to classes with Lisa now since Early last year & have been loving her slow flow class ever since. I’ve had a bit of a break over the late autumn when I had a major knee operation (ACL reconstruction). Lisa has been really good at understanding that my needs and capabilities are not the same as many of the group and that they are rapidly changing as I recover from the injury and the surgery. I’m very glad I’ve found Lisa’s studio & looking forward to many years of her classes.
This is me a tired sweaty mess. The week this was taken I felt like I'd really achieved within my yoga practise. My yoga journey started over a decade ago trying to recover from an injury. Following my first pregnancy I used yoga to get my fitness back but also to help with PND.
Queue lock down and pregnancy number 2. I joined Lisa and Becca over zoom for much needed calm during a challenging time and continue with post natal yoga and Hatha. I've been taught by nearly all the teachers at the studio trying out all the styles Hatha is my foundation and head space, but Ashtanga is my current focus. I always wish I could do more. No matter who is leading the class the studio is always warm and welcoming. It is my safe space where I always feel more centered at the end; even if I have to drag myself into the door. I've laughed, cried, and found friendship within this studio's community.
I have been attending Lisa’s beautiful yoga studio in Fenny Compton for several years now. I remember when I first saw the ad for the studio on Instagram and couldn’t believe a yoga studio was opening in Fenny as it was just what I had been looking for. I had tried various yoga classes before but none of them quite hit the spot. I wanted something deeper than just a physical practice. I signed up to three beginners’ classes when Lisa’s studio first opened and I loved them all. Every teacher was so kind, friendly, knowledgeable and supportive. It was so nice to see the same faces in class each week and we missed our classmates when they were away. We all wobbled and lost our balance together!
Due to illness followed by a new job and then a house move I had a little break but missed my classes so much and am now back to attending a weekly class with Lisa. Yoga feels like coming home to me and every time I practice I feel so much peace. It helps me to feel grounded and lessens my anxiety. It keeps me afloat when life and the world get too much and always always makes me feel better.
Lisa’s classes are so beautifully calming and she puts so much care and gentleness into her teaching. I love learning more about all aspects of yoga and it helps me to feel a connection to something bigger in the world. The classes at Fenny feel relaxed and safe and I am deeply grateful to have such a beautiful studio with lovely teachers, classes, workshops and fellow yogis to learn from and share a love of yoga with. My husband always asks “how was yoga?” and I always reply with a smile “it was lovely”. Because it is.