Vinyasa Flow

A Sanskrit term often employed to describe a broad range of yoga styles. It symbolises a flowing, dynamic form of yoga.
Vinyasa flow is a fusion of various styles of yoga. The style concentrates on breath synchronised movement, one movement one breath creating a union between the two sides, energetic in ways and simply flowing creating a beautiful balance, leaving you feeling invigorated yet with a deep residing peace.
Our classes will lead you into a dance with your breath, body and mind.
In this style of yoga expect to work hard and get warm as we stoke the inner fires and send energy pulsating through the body.
Yoga has many healing benefits for your mind, body and soul.  Like all styles of yoga, Vinyasa has both mental and physical benefits. Physically, sweat expels toxins and re-energises your body. Mentally, the synchronised breathing relaxes your mind and helps to release any blockage of energy flow throughout your body.

Scaravelli Inspired

A gentle yet powerful form of Hatha yoga that uses gravity and breath to release the spine and energise the body. This approach focuses on 'the intelligent heart', an innate sense of our natural patterns of movement to bring harmony and ease to the asanas. The main theme of this style of yoga is listening to and working with the body; moving in a way that is free of pulling, pushing and forcing. There are three key principles: the movement and alignment of the spine; a natural, gravitational pull to ground; and maintaining calm & natural breath.

Mindful Flow

This class moves at a breathing pace; integrating creative, thoughtful transitions and asanas for all levels of practice. All with an emphasis on mindfulness- awareness of the breath and awareness of sensations in the body, with options to work more deeply or to go easier- to add or take away. Expect some Scaravelli inspired yoga in this session with Lisa Valentine (see above)..

Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga is a style of yoga practice that activates the connective tissues of the body in order to open restrictions physically and energetically. Using passive longer held postures the tissues of the body become more flexible and the energetic channels open.
Incorporting principles of traditional Chinese medicine, with asanas (postures) that are held for longer periods of time than in other styles.

Hatha/Hatha Flow

Hatha yoga can mean a lot of things. One widely-used definition of hatha is "movement," so any asana class is a hatha class. There is a subset of classes specifically labelled hatha, which is characterised by a focus on gentle asana without any flow between poses. Hatha is endlessly adaptable to each teacher's personal style and each student's needs. For that reason, it can be hard to generalise about. Our Hatha classes are suitable for beginners but also experienced yogis that prefer a steady paced practice. Those recovering from illness or injury and also stronger bodied students who enjoy a softer, therapeutic element to complement their dynamic yoga practice.

Flow and Restore

This class combines slow flow and Yin/restorative postures. (See description above and below)

Slow Flow

This class is ideal for those that prefer a slower paced class or for post natal mums easing their way back to practise. This class moves at a breathing pace; integrating creative, thoughtful transitions and asanas for all levels of practice. All with an emphasis on mindfulness- awareness of the breath and awareness of sensations in the body.   In this class we will be building core and overall body strength.

Restorative Yoga

A restorative yoga sequence typically involves only five or six poses, supported by props that allow you to completely relax and rest. Held for 5 minutes or more, restorative poses include light twists, seated forward folds, and gentle backbends.
When your life is racing full-speed ahead, so is your mind. Restorative yoga helps provide that physical and mental balance to prevent stress and anxiety, through the use of props that allow you to hold poses longer, giving you all the benefits of deep, passive stretching.
Most restorative practices are based on the teachings of B.K.S. Iyengar.

Expect this style of yoga woven into Lisa V’s workshops, retreats and even some classes.

Ashtanga Inspired

Ashtanga inspired Yoga with Adele is designed to introduce you to the Primary Series in a steady, enjoyable manner, with a focus on breath and movement. Each class is teacher led, and over the term you will be gradually guided through the sun salutations, the standing postures, some seated postures before a short closing sequence including rest. Modifications to suit you.

Whether you are a complete beginner or a practitioner returning to class looking to explore some of the fundamentals again, you will find empowerment, discipline and focus in this traditional counted sequence that you will feel inspired to continue building upon.

Led Ashtanga are for those whom have learnt much of the primary 1 series. Our current Thursday class is Half Primary series is a short form of the Full Primary Ashtanga yoga series (around 30 minutes less). In Half Primary we practice all the seated postures till Navasana. Then we finish with the 3 Closing Postures or the entire Closing Sequence starting from back bending, or Urdhva Dhanurasana).

Strength & Mobilty

Strength and mobility yoga classes help improve flexibility, strength, and joint range of motion. They can also teach fundamental movement skills like squatting, spinal awareness, and coordination.


Barre is a low-impact, full-body workout that combines ballet, Pilates, yoga, and strength training: Barre classes focus on small, precise movements, high repetitions, and isometric exercises. Other equipment that may be used includes resistance bands, yoga straps, exercise balls, and hand weights. 

Benefits: Barre can help improve cardiovascular health, build muscular endurance, and develop strength and flexibility in the lower body and core

1-2-1 Yoga Therapy

These sessions are are tailor made for the individual, held in the studio dependant on availability. They can be specifically designed to support certain aspects of your physical health, such as low back pain vulnerability, stiff shoulders and neck etc. Or they can have more of a focus on mental and emotional wellbeing to help you through an illness, or a combination of the two, as they are very often connected. The sessions can be spread out over weeks or months. Please do get in contact to discuss your options.