Hatha course, Tuesdays 7.30pm w lisa V, starts 6th September
Hatha yoga can mean a lot of things. One widely-used definition of hatha is "movement," so any asana class is a hatha class. There is a subset of classes specifically labelled hatha, which is characterised by a focus on gentle asana without any flow between poses. Hatha is endlessly adaptable to each teacher's personal style and each student's needs. For that reason, it can be hard to generalise about. Our Hatha class’s are suitable for beginners but also experienced yogi’s that prefer a steady paced practice. Those recovering from illness or injury and also stronger bodied students who enjoy a softer, therapeutic element to complement their dynamic yoga practice.
Lisa will be bringing her Scaravelli inspired Teachings into this course:
A gentle yet powerful form of Hatha yoga that uses gravity and breath to release the spine and energise the body. This approach focuses on 'the intelligent heart', an innate sense of our natural patterns of movement to bring harmony and ease to the asanas. The main theme of this style of yoga is listening to and working with the body; moving in a way that is free of pulling, pushing and forcing. There are three key principles: the movement and alignment of the spine; a natural, gravitational pull to ground; and maintaining calm & natural breath.