Yoga, Wild swim & Sauna
Priors Hardwick, Warwickshire
First date open to book: 21st April
Wait lists for 4th and 11th May
£30pp (maximum 6 people).
Session 1
12pm Flow & Pranayama
12.30-1.30pm Swim & Sauna
Session 2
1pm Hatha Flow & Pranayama
1.30pm-2.30pm Swim & Sauna
This is a lovely chance to combine a small private yoga practice taught by myself, meditation, pranayama with a wild lake swim, followed by a Sauna,. The yoga is suitable for everyone including beginners.
If you have never tried wild swimming before then now is the time! Invigorate yourself and get your body feeling alive in beautiful surroundings. (Please note these sessions are only suited to confident swimmers, no swimming instruction given, I am only responsible for the yoga & breath work).
The event package includes the following:
30-40 minutes of Flow or Hatha yoga & breath work to prepare you for a cool swim (yoga mats provided).
1 hour Wild Swim & Sauna
Snack & herbal tea
You may wish to bring the following
Towel/dry robe, Swimming hat & goggles, Blanket or cushion for the yoga
N.B please note these sessions are for confident swimmers only. Waivers will be requested.
#wildswim #yogawildswim #wildswimandsauna